/ / Folk sign - a lot of mountain ash is ugly: various explanations

People's sign - a lot of rowan ugly: various explanations

How nice in the fall in the parks, along the roadsidesadmire ripe red rowan! The clusters are compared to lights and beads. Its carved leaves, which are painted in reddish and golden hues, look picturesquely. Clusters are especially beautiful against the white snow in winter. This plant stands out significantly from other trees for its brightness. People have always associated with this beauty will take a lot, so in the folklore of many nations there are a large number of legends and beliefs about her. It is worth paying attention to national signs - a lot of red mountain ash is ugly. Does this sign of nature really give people any clues? Immerse yourself in a little research on this topic.

many rowan omens

Rowan - a sign of love and amulet

В словаре Даля название этого дерева связывают с Old Slavic - "ripples" that matters - "freckle, speck." And indeed, bright specks of ripe rowan are visible from afar and adorn many plantings. People also call this plant the bird-catcher, because after the frost the birds peck the fruit.

The origin of the name of the tree is very connectedbeautiful legend. She proves that mountain ash originated from great love. In one village lived a married couple. Both loved each other very much. After a while the spouse was destined to die. The wife of grief turned into mountain ash. Evil envious people tried to separate this couple in different ways, but their attempts were ineffectual. It remains only to kill her husband. At a farewell moment, the husband kissed her lover and asked God not to separate them. So she became rowan on the grave of her beloved. Since then, its branches have been shaking by the wind, and autumnal red clusters are reminiscent of blood shed in the name of everlasting love.

У славян рябина считается священным деревом, как and birch, oak and willow. It was believed that if you break a branch of this tree, then soon someone in the family will die. Our ancestors treated mountain ash as a living creature: they bowed to her, asked for forgiveness. The ancient wizards made their magic wands precisely from mountain ash. The brides on their wedding day were decorated with a wreath of flowering branches of this plant. In the houses, bunches of bunches of ripe berries were hung to protect themselves from evil forces.

a lot of rowan folk omens

Plant symbolism

Rowan - a kind of poetic symbol of Russia,she inspires many poets to write poems. It has long been associated with fertility and well-being. Red berries reflect family happiness, strong and faithful love, strong family. In this regard, many people are interested in a sign - a lot of mountain ash is red. All the young couples after the wedding tried to plant this tree near the house. Ripe grapes were brought into the house and laid on the windowsill. If the berries remain red for a long time - to be a strong union.

signs of a lot of red rowan

Feminine beginning

Рябину относят к женскому дереву.It gives the beautiful half of the population beauty, health, and protection from adversity. All Slavic weddings attended rowan. Newlywed shoes sprinkled with rowan leaves to protect from damage. The bedroom of the young was decorated with the branches of this plant. The bride made special beads from ripe berries. It was believed that if a girl would tear a rowan wreath on her head, then she would not marry out of love. Scattered beads meant a quick wedding. Some women treated rowan infertility and frigidity.

a lot of red rowan folk omens

Folk sign - a lot of rowan in autumn

There was a lot of belief about mountain ash.The most common sign - a lot of mountain ash ugly. In the old days it was believed that a bountiful harvest foreshadows terrible misfortunes. It could be a war or famine with numerous deaths. Studies have shown that the common people were afraid of the sorcery properties of mountain ash, because its red berries are similar in color to blood.

A very famous sign - a lot of mountain ash on a tree,foreshadows a frosty and fierce winter. The Indians had a very beautiful legend associated with this. Many years ago a very cold winter fell on the ground. Hunters had to wander all day through huge snowdrifts in search of food. With each new step, terrible fear attacked them, because everywhere in the woods lay birds killed by frost and small animals. The hunters began to ask the Almighty for help. He advised them to take a drop of blood from each dead creature and smear it on the tree. In the morning, red clusters appeared on the smeared plants, on which birds sat and happily ate berries. The Almighty reminded the Indians that if there were a lot of berries on the mountain ash, then it was necessary to prepare for a cold winter.

many rowan omens

Other signs

Many signs of rowan are associated not only with weather conditions, but also with the mysterious features of the tree. It is worth listing the most common omens:

  • A fully blossomed tree meant that there would be no more spring frosts.
  • Dry leaves that remain in mountain ash foreshadow severe frosts.
  • Several rowan trees near the house protect it from fire.
  • The tree growing in front of the window protects against envy.
  • To plant a mountain ash at a porch - to bring a prosperity to the house.
  • The tree in the garden promised a good harvest.

Many people still adhere to various beliefs and will be associated with rowan.