/ / Who are the outcasts in modern society

Who are the marginals in modern society?

Marginals are people who are on differentreasons fell out of their usual social environment and are not able to join the new social strata, as a rule, because of cultural discrepancies. In such a situation, they experience a strong psychological stress and are experiencing a crisis of self-awareness.

The theory of who the marginalists were put forward in the first half of the 20th century was Park R. E. But before him the questions of social declassification were raised by Karl Marx.

Who are the outcasts

Weber's Theory

Weber concluded that the publicmovement begins when the marginal strata establishes a community, and this leads to various social changes: reforms and revolutions. Weber gave a more in-depth interpretation to who are the marginalized, which made it possible to explain the formation of new communities, which, of course, did not always unite the social dregs of society: refugees, the unemployed, and so on. But on the other hand, sociologists have never refuted the undoubted connection between the human masses, excluded from the system of habitual social connections, and the process of organizing new communities.

Marginalized this

In communities of people, the main principle is:"Chaos must be somehow ordered." At the same time, new classes, groups and strata almost never arise in connection with the organized activity of beggars and homeless people. Rather, it can be seen as the construction of parallel social structures of people whose life before the transition to a new position was quite orderly.

Marginal in modern society

Despite the prevalence of the now fashionable word"Marginal", the concept itself is rather vague. Therefore, it is impossible to specifically define the role of this phenomenon in the culture of society. You can answer the question of who are the outcasts, the characteristic "non-system". This will be the most accurate definition. Because marginals are outside the social structure. That is, they do not belong to any group that determines the character of the society as a whole.

There are marginals and in culture.Here they are outside the main types of thinking and language and do not belong to any artistic direction. Marginal can not be attributed to any dominant or main group, nor to the opposition, nor to various subcultures.

Marginal in modern society

Society has long determined whomarginalized. The opinion was confirmed in public consciousness that they were representatives of the lower strata of society. At best, these are people who are beyond the norms and traditions. As a rule, calling a person marginal, show a negative, contemptuous attitude towards him.

But marginality is not an autonomous state, it isthe result of non-acceptance of norms and rules, the expression of special relations with the existing social system. It can develop in two directions: the break of all familiar ties and the creation of one’s own world, or the gradual ousting of society and the subsequent release of the law. In any case, the margin is not the wrong side of the world, but only its shadow side. The public is accustomed to parading people outside the system in order to establish their own, considered normal world.