Africa is a unique continent that enjoysless touristy than other parts of the world. But there are countries here that fascinate with their beauty and culture. The state of Malawi is located in the southeastern part of the mainland. In 1975, the capital of Malawi entrenched in the city of Lilongwe, which is the country's political business center. For tourists, this town almost does not represent value and interest, with the exception of the nature reserve, which covers 370 acres today.
To get acquainted with this city andby the state as a whole, it is important to know what is the capital, area, population of Malawi. These characteristics will tell about the village as much as the historical background of its development and formation.
Geographical features of the city
The State of Malawi, the description of which includesthemselves not only territorial features, but also the political structure, infrastructure and history of development, also called the hot heart of Africa. This is due to the country's location on the territory of tectonic faults, as well as with an amazing and diverse natural world. Lilongwe is located in the south-west of the country, at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level.
Along the northern part of the country stretched a hugeLake Nyasa, whose waters feed evergreen rainforests. The capital of Malawi is remote from the lake and most other large bodies of water, but here the river Lilongwe flows, which grows shallower during the drought period and spreads during the rainy season.
Administrative device
The state of Malawi occupies an area of 118,480square kilometers. A little more than 15.5 million people live on this area. Moreover, the capital of Malawi, Lilongwe, is a million-plus city, 1,077,116 people live here.
Государство Малави – это республика, которой governed by the president. The capital of Malawi is the location of administrative buildings and the parliament, it is here that the entire political life of the state is concentrated. Modern Lilongwe is a city that is expanding at a fast pace; the housing sector and office buildings are actively being built.
Features of the device of the city of Lilongwe
The capital of the south-eastern African countryis a city, historically divided into two parts - the City Center and the Old City. The city center is a relatively new buildings, office buildings, offices and embassies. There are no special attractions here, and this part of the city is not of particular interest to tourists.
Much more picturesque and colorful isOld city. Here is one of the largest markets in the country, where you can buy absolutely everything - from food and ready meals to bicycles and cars.
A huge stretch between two parts of the citythe territory of the reserve, inside which laid several tourist routes, as well as the wildlife information center. To better understand the structure and life of the capital of the state of Malawi, you need to go deep into the country, to study its features. After all, Lilongwe is the “face” of Malawi.
Natural and animal world
The presence of reservoirs, extensive tropical forests andFavorable climate contributes to the fact that in the territory of Malawi there are countless animals, fish and birds. In addition, this state is known for varieties of flowers and plants, which are considered rare in many other parts of the world. That is why Malawi, the description of the nature of which is so interesting and entertaining, attracts tourists and lovers of scenic landscapes.
However, Lilongwe can not boast of abundancenatural and plant world. The rapidly growing population of the capital, permanent buildings and expansion contribute to the fact that the animals are looking for more secluded places to dwell. They live in forests and savannas, where people rarely go. The tropics are a comfortable habitat for animals such as giraffes, elephants, zebras, rhinos, many species of antelope and snakes. Only the territory of the nature reserve near Lilongwe is famous for the Lingaji River, in which countless crocodiles live.
Наибольшей природной достопримечательностью are orchids, in Malawi there are more than 400 species. In addition, gladioli, aloes, portes and immortelles grow on the slopes of the mountains. The tropical climate and humidity near the reservoirs contribute to the beautiful and bright flowering of various plants.
Health and Education in Lilongwe
Although quite modern and developed capitalMalawi, Africa is generally known for its low level of health care. This situation causes a short life expectancy: men live on average 43 years, women - 42 years. The main causes of death are constant epidemics of diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, tropical fever and malaria. In Lilongwe, these problems are less common, but still present.
С 6 лет дети поступают на обучение в школы, чтобы get a compulsory primary education. It lasts 8 years, after which you can get a secondary and higher education. The most popular educational institutions are medical, agricultural and polytechnic colleges. In Lilongwe, young people are taught not only in colleges, but also in universities. Young people receive knowledge and skills that will help them to survive in difficult economic conditions.
Economy and Industry
Practically no territory in Malawiproduction plants and enterprises, mostly residents of the state are engaged in agriculture. Therefore, Malawi is 90% agrarian country. Potatoes, corn, bananas are grown here, and Malawi is the leader in the export of tea and tobacco among other African countries.
Only 10% of the working population of the country is employed inindustries: these are mainly textile and shoe factories, as well as factories for the processing of agricultural products. Most of them are located in Lilongwe and around the capital.
The capital of the African state is brightrepresentative of most cities on the mainland with their problems, the desire for development and the predominance of many established traditions that Malawians are difficult to change.