Capital of greece

Unusual country that has experienced periods of declineand prosperity, humiliation and grandeur - Greece. Athens throughout the history of this state remained the center of all events. The highest peak of the heyday of Athens falls on the V century BC This time was marked by a victory in the war with Persia, which led to the development of the state, making it the largest in the world. During this period, the first principles of a democratic structure are born, and art reaches the highest degree of development. It was at this century that the capital of Greece learned about such philosophers as Plato and Socrates. Here lived the historians Thucydides and Herodotus, scientists and playwrights Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristotle.

Capital of greece

The capital of Greece proudly bears the name, consonantthe name of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Legend has it that there was a dispute between the god of the seas, Poseidon, and the warrior Athena over the right to be the patron of the city. The assembled Greek gods decided that the power will fall into the hands of someone who will present the most valuable gift to the city.

God of the seas struck his rock with a trident, imageson the spot the source of sea water. In response, Athena hit the ground with her spear, and an olive tree instantly grew there. After much deliberation, the gods decided that the goddess of wisdom brought the greatest gift to the city, and gave her power. Since then, the capital of Greece is called Athens.

Greece Athens

Tourists from all over the world go to this countryin order to be imbued with the world of ancient Greece, with their own eyes see the remaining buildings. The main attraction and symbol of Athens is the Acropolis built from white marble. This sacred rock today plays the role of a link, connecting the majestic ancient civilization with modernity. The Acropolis is rightly the pride of the Athenians, and the whole of Greece is also proud of it. Excursions to this hill are very popular, because here stands the Parferon temple above the city.

Greece excursions

In the V century BCa temple was erected in honor of the patroness of the city, art and craft, the goddess Athena Parthenos. That is why the Parthenon can be considered not only a temple, but also a kind of art gallery or museum. During the reign of Pericles by the architects Iktin and Callicrate, not only the Parthenon was built on the Acropolis, but also many other temples. Most of them were dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, but, unfortunately, not all of them have survived to this day.

Athens is not only the Acropolis with its temples andmythological stories. The capital of Greece is filled with many other attractions. Ancient Agora, Kerameikos, Daphne Monastery, Benaki Museum, Museums of Greek Folk Instruments, Greek Folk Art, Cycladic and Greek Ancient Art and the National Archaeological Museum. In the very center of Athens there is Syntagma Square, which is also called the Concord Square. It houses the Parliament building, built in 1840. Initially it was the Royal Palace.

Афины - это не только исторические памятники architecture is a modern city, the streets of which are filled with all sorts of hotels, bars and restaurants. Among local residents, traditional taverns are especially popular, where they are happy to spend their time and where they invite guests of the city. Athenians are very hospitable and good-natured to tourists. Having been once in Greece, be sure to want to go back there again.