Women and men are very different.And this concerns not only the appearance, but especially the psychology of perception and behavior. But sometimes the signs sent by a man are wrongly "read" by a woman. That is why in this article I want to talk about how to understand that a man really loves you: signs of love of representatives of the strong half of humanity.

A little about men and women
As already mentioned above, men and womendiffer from each other. So, if a lady wants to fall in love with a man, the guy is most likely to notice immediately. It can be talk about anything, lovely gifts or treats. Women can even attract relatives and friends to achieve their goal. In men, however, the opposite is true. They almost never betray themselves externally, remaining as unperturbed as before. How, then, to be, how to understand that a man really loves you?
A young man not only listens but also hears
If a guy is really in love with a girl, hewill try to learn about it as much as possible. That is why in conversations a man will try to catch every word of his beloved, not wanting to miss even the smallest detail. But there is one "but": do not be offended if the loved one has forgotten something. It's just that men perceive and even understand the information they are told in a slightly different way. That is, what is important to a woman, may seem to be a secondary guy.

The man says
The following advice how to understand that a man is youreally likes: listen to him. Already only from that information which the guy gives out, it is possible to understand, how it concerns the girl. If the topic of conversation is beyond the weather and everyday topics do not go - do not delude yourself. After all, if a person is in love, he will gradually let in the soul the object of his admiration. A man in love will tell both about his family, and about work, and sometimes even about the most intimate. This is one of the most important signs. After all, as is known, mostly men say little.
Appearance of a man
It is necessary to say also thata man in love, as well as a woman, tries to look as good as possible. If a guy on a date puts on a nice shirt or buys a new sweater, then he does not care what a companion thinks about him. And this is not the first sign of love?
Again, one "but":do not expect that sloppy man who never paid attention to his wardrobe, and then he became sharply clean, it will change. Love will pass, and old habits will return to their place.
Still how to understand that the man you reallyloves? It is necessary to look at how the guy manages with his money. Every man considers himself an earner, and a lover - even more so. That is, a young man who has tender feelings for a woman, is unlikely to force a loved one to pay in a restaurant or herself to buy trinkets.
Also here it is necessary to take into account the fact that a guy may not be able to spread his income, but to plan something financially costly a man in love with his young lady will definitely be.

Time for the beloved
The next tip is how to understand ifa man likes: to appreciate the time that the couple spends together. It often happens that friends take offense at their lover comrade, calling him henpecked. But in this there is nothing surprising. Just a young man wants to spend as much time with his beloved, paying less attention to his comrades. So, of course, it will not always be. But at first it is a normal reaction of the representative of the opposite sex. After all, a man just wants to know more about his chosen one.
Sacrifices for the beloved
Sometimes women ask:How to understand what a man loves by his actions? It is safe to say that if a guy makes any sacrifices for his own sake, that says a lot. But this does not mean at all that a loved one should redo himself, act contrary to his ideas or views. Victims should also be reasonable. Normally, if the guy refuses to watch football for the sake of going to the cafe with her beloved. But if a man throws a favorite thing simply because his lady wanted it that way - this is already completely abnormal. Such guys in a similar way will behave in other situations. This is not to be forgotten.
A few words about married men
Sometimes it happens that a married manrenders signs of attention is not his wife. What can you do, as they say, the heart can not command. But how to understand exactly the seriousness of his intentions, how to understand if a married man loves you?

Small gifts and tokens
You need to understand that if a guy is married, he does notcan best laid out for a relationship with a new sweetheart. He will have to lie to his wife, to devote time to two women in parallel. Therefore, it is impossible to demand too much from such a young man. But the guy can prove his attitude with the help of gifts. It does not have to be expensive gifts. This can be a cute postcard or a modest flower. The main thing with what kind of facial expression or words it is presented. It is such signs of attention and evidence of the love of a representative of a strong half of humanity.
Beloved man will never hurt
The next tip is how to understand what is marriedman loves you So, if the guy does not hurt and tries to protect his lady - this is a sure sign of love. That is, the young man will try to protect his passion from negative, bad news or unpleasant information for her. And, of course, he will not speak rude or give up. Guys in love respect their beloved, her opinion and her wishes.

A piece of life
How to understand that a married man is reallyloves and for the sake of relationships ready for a lot It is necessary to trace how deeply he lets a new beloved into his life. Of course, such a man would not introduce his passion to his parents, but he can imagine a true friend. It is also not surprising if he tells about his favorite vacation spots, activities, hobbies and hobbies. Maximum of what can be told without affecting another, parallel life.
Joint rest
Another tip, how to understand that a married manloves you: if a guy is planning a joint vacation - this is a sure sign of favor. That is, such a man should really try to allocate at least a couple of hours of free time, not to mention a few days. And if a young man is constantly trying to carve out some hours or days - this is definitely evidence of his love.
Cute nonsense
Last tip, how to understand if you lovemarried man: you need to analyze his behavior. People in love with something similar to children. They can fool around, do pleasant nonsense and unreasonable little things. If the guy is like that, he is definitely in love. Such a man can write gentle, stupid SMS-ki, kind of joke.

How to love zodiac signs
Separately, you need to tell more about how men love - representatives of different signs of the zodiac.
Aries man.Such a guy can show his feelings openly, without embarrassment. In a fit of love, he is generous, cheerful and unrestrained. Never skimp on pleasant words, gifts, deeds. But in relationships, she prefers strong, strong-willed, purposeful women. If such a man reveals to the woman not only the soul, but also the wallet, it means that he is definitely in love.
Male TaurusThen we will talk about how to understand that a Taurus man loves you. Such guys are not very emotional, they practically do not show their feelings. But if you have already decided that they want to win their woman, they will be very persistent. Taurus love a serious relationship, flirting and flirting for them - a short period. For them, levity is evil. Taurus in love is assertive and self-confident macho.
Male twinsThis guy is fickle in their desires and attitudes. And to unravel his state of mind is very, very difficult. These men love interesting, well-read women who have something to talk about. But they are all quickly bored. So the change of partner for representatives of this zodiac sign is not news. Gemini lovers try to change their feelings and environment in order not to change their personalities. So if for quite a long time a Taurus guy spent with a girl, he is definitely in love.
Мужчина-Рак.Such a guy can fall in love at first sight, because the partner is often chosen instinctively by representatives of this sign. If a girl knows how to cook, keeps her house and herself clean and tidy - this is already half the success on the way to the favorite for such a man. With Cancers, you can go through all stages of relationships: from candy-bouquet period, to engagement, wedding and the birth of children. However, only if you do not poke fun at the weaknesses of the guy and endure all his mood swings. Cancer in love is a quiet calm family man who does not want to go anywhere from home.
Male Leo.I wonder how to understand that the Leo man loves you? To do this, you just need to analyze the behavior of such a guy. Lions in love are generous, generous. They are ready to give everything, even to the detriment of themselves. But in return they will demand favor to their person. Male Leo does not need to criticize with others, they have to admire. And only in this case, the pair will be fine.
Male Virgo.And how to understand that the man-virgin loves you? Here things are more complicated. And all because the guys, the representatives of this zodiac sign is very demanding on his half. And they literally look at their feelings on trifles, slowly understanding the correctness of their act. Understand, in love with a guy-Virgo or not, very, very difficult. There will already have to connect the intuition, since these men do not show any external manifestations of their favor.
Man Libra.It should be noted that such a guy really needs love. He will literally look for relationships, almost without understanding the links. That is why at first glance it may seem that a man is in love. But only his romance can “tell” about it. If a young man is cold, flirts and does not take seriously his darling - he is definitely not in a state of love. Such behavior for Libra, regarding serious relationships, is absolutely not typical.

Мужчина-Скорпион.It's time to figure out how to understand that a Scorpio man loves you. Such guys are prone to manifestation of passion, but do not like when their intentions or feelings solve. Often these guys show jealousy and a sense of ownership, which will "say" about a young man in love. Still need to remember that the inner world of Scorpio must be protected. And if a girl agrees to this, she also risks falling into the category of passions.
Sagittarius male.Such a guy is absolutely not inclined to spiritual experiences. That is, he normally applies to both flirting without commitment, and to a serious relationship. If he feels affection at least a little, he is ready to tell the whole world about it, even exaggerating a little. So to take the word of a male-Sagittarius is not worth it. The boy in love, a representative of this sign is distinguished by generosity and warmth.
Capricorn man.These are very reserved guys who try to control all their feelings and emotions as best as possible. It would be best to feel in a relationship with an equal partner. If Capricorn invites you for a cup of coffee, then it will be so, the evening will not be diluted with anything else. Lovers of young people are very serious about relationships.
Мужчина-Водолей. Такие парни – идеалисты в любви.They like everything to be very good, and the relationship developed as in a melodrama, slowly and beautifully. They do not immediately declare their love, evaluating the pros and cons. But if a young man goes with a lady to an esoteric exhibition or wants to shelter a homeless kitten together, he is definitely in love.
Man FishThese guys are just made for love. Each new hobby they perceive as a relationship for life. So guessing if a Pisces boy is in love is completely easy. Such men will be gentle, they will try to avoid sharp corners, hiding and hiding unpleasant facts from their halves. In the courtship, young people are very creative. And lovers of Pisces are decorated with romantic acts and interesting travels at all.