/ / Such different compliments for men

Such different compliments for men

Compliments for men are as important as they are forwomen. A smart woman perfectly understands that a compliment is a great way to place a cavalier to yourself. He needs to be unobtrusively convinced that he is the most intelligent, strong, sympathetic, etc. However, the strong sex, firstly, is not very trusting.

compliments for men
Secondly, gentlemen do not think in the same way asLadies. And what we supposed to say as a compliment, they can at best not understand. For example, compliments to a man in poetry produce exactly the same impression on him as the good words spoken in prose. Therefore, wanting to flatter your friend, think first about what kind of words he will rejoice.

Compliments for a man? We'll figure it out.

Men are different.Some carefully monitor their body, do not leave the "rocking", but somewhat indifferent to intellectual development. Others are sure that a man should be intelligent, and his appearance does not matter. Still others make every effort to develop a career, while developing both physically and mentally. There are also narcissistic types that consider themselves the most-most. All these men look at life differently, and therefore compliments for men of each type should be different.

compliments to a man in verse

  • Compliments about appearance.Male daffodils are especially fond of them. Your words about what an excellent figure they have, what huge muscles and strong arms and legs will certainly awaken in their soul at least an interest in your person. Then you can add that with such a strong man is not afraid to spend his whole life, that he is an excellent support, it is easy and reliable.
  • Compliments are "spiritual."Every man will be glad to hear that he is well versed in life, that he is very intelligent and can understand any situation. Do not be afraid to praise his ability to notice everything, analytical abilities, etc. Be sure to emphasize that you are undoubtedly an intelligent woman, but you can not compare with such a giant of thought.
  • Some men like it when they praise themskills. How he perfectly repaired the outlet, how deliciously he cooks, what a wonderful specialist or leader he is. Such should be compliments to a man. Examples: "Dear, how easily did you unravel this difficult situation. You are very good at people. You have found the best solution. "

Universal compliments for men

There are several

compliments to man examples
courtesies, from which all men melt,regardless of the storehouse of one's character, mental and physical abilities. These are compliments, emphasizing their brutality, the masculine principle, convincing the representative of the stronger sex that he is a real male. "Oh, dear, how wonderful you smell!" My head starts to spin from your scent! You have such an exhilarating voice! What are your beautiful (gray, brown, etc.) eyes! I think they look right into my soul. You have such sexual lips (hands, touches, etc.). "Believe me, the right words at the right time such compliments will not leave any man indifferent, give him confidence, and you - attractiveness. Just do not say courtesies too often and too sweetly: gentlemen, of course, are not as cunning as we are, but they are quite capable of recognizing falsehood.