/ / What should be the appearance of an Aryan?

What should be the appearance of an Aryan?

The term "Aryan race" is not truescientific. It was introduced in the nineteenth century, and it was written by experts studying racial theory. The most widespread term was received among the Nazis, for whom the Aryans were the highest people. Their appearance almost completely coincided with the usual European. The only thing that distinguished them was light hair and eye color. That is, in fact, the non-existent Aryan race was assigned the Nordic type, that's all. However, even as a myth, she was very popular and enjoyed reverence. Hitler and his followers generally believed that only the Aryans (among whom they, of course, belonged) have the right to fully live on earth, the other races are imperfect, and therefore suitable only for the role of slaves.

Typical Aryans: appearance, photo

Aryans appearance photo

So, consider this mythical race closer.There is a definite stereotype, according to which the appearance of an Aryan has precise distinctive signs, which allow to distinguish its owner from the "gray mass".

1. Face. The typical Aryan has pale skin, although withoutsigns of albinism, bright eyes (green, gray and blue spectrum, brown color is unacceptable), the skull should not be deformed or compacted, the nose is straight or slightly bumpy, delicate, lips are thin enough, eyebrows are missing, the forehead is high.

Aryans appearance
2. Coat. The appearance of an Aryan is not at all comparable tomonkey The vegetation on the body is weakly expressed in both sexes, on the face in women is completely absent (except for eyelashes and eyebrows). On the head, the hair is thin and thick, preferably straight, cannot be black, permissible colors: from white to light chestnut, reddish is possible, but not bright.

3. Body type. The appearance of the Aryan must be refined,elegant but not fragile. Men are tall (about 1.8 meters), women may be slightly lower. The bone is thin, the fingers are long. Women are often lean, men may be more densely folded, but fullness is unacceptable.

4. Appearance Aryan creates a pleasant impression.The person does not express malice, nearness, rudeness and other negative traits. Body odor is pleasant, natural discharges are not disgusting. The manner of behaving noble and benevolent, the same can be said about the voice.

5. Religion complex (not primitive), there is a tendency to philosophy, idealization, self-improvement.

Aryan appearance

6. Mental capacity. Разум арийца высоко развит, не извращен, critical thinking is present. Characteristic easy learning, pedantry, ability to trade and running their own business, cleanliness, kindness, nobility. There is no selfishness, greed, cruelty, "gregarious" feeling, the ability to do hard physical work and the ability to complete submission.

7. Health status. Immunity is good, genetic diseases are absent, as well as a tendency to alcoholism and drug use.

8. Personal life. Ариец не принимает чуждое ему мировоззрение и religion, incapable of interracial sex. Deprived of hypersexuality, craving for perversions and unnecessary concern. Having entered into marriage, spouses are always faithful to each other, caring. The idea of ​​superiority of a man over a woman is missing.

After examining all the above signs, we can conclude that the appearance of an Aryan corresponds to his moral character - both are at a height. No wonder that such a race was considered by many to be the ideal.