/ / Instructions: how to change the character in "Sims 4"

Instructions: how to change the character in "Sims 4"

Change in appearance is a frequent process in the game.Sims. From time to time I want my characters to change clothes, accessories, hats, hairstyles. Also, there are cases when it is necessary to change the structure of the body or facial features. In "Sims 3" for such cases it was possible to send a sim in the game process to a plastic surgeon in the hospital. And how to change the character in "Sims 4", we suggest to learn below.

Features create characters in "Sims 4"

how to change character in sims 4

With the release of the new version of the game "Sims" charactersThey have become more attractive, because the game graphics have improved. Now, with each life cycle (young, adult, elderly), wrinkles appear on a sim and facial features change slightly. The same thing happens with the body. For example, older characters gain weight, their stomach sags and their waist disappears.

Each Sim can now be made special.During its creation it is allowed to modify the body and facial features as you please. In "Sims 4" added new features and capabilities in the character editor.

How to change the appearance of the character in "Sims 4"?

how to change character body in sims 4

In the character editor you can click on the button.in the form of a cube - and the game itself will generate a randomly sim. Amendments to the appearance can now not be done using ready-made sliders, as in Sims 3, but by pressing the right mouse button on the character itself. So, if you want to change the shape of the nose, then double-click on it, and then hold the mouse and move it in different directions in different areas. Thus, you can increase it, make it already or with a small bump, a snub-nosed and so on.

The same can be done with other facial features: forehead, eyes, lips, cheekbones, cheeks, jaw, chin, eyebrows. You can also choose ready-made parts offered on the right side of the screen.

The body is also modified with the mouse. You can increase or decrease arms and legs, abdomen, waist, hips, shoulders and so on. On the main slider remained the function of body weight.

But no matter how beautiful your sim is, you already want to make changes in the game process not only in the wardrobe, but also in the appearance of the game’s heroes. So how to change a character in Sims 4?

Instructions for changing ready-made sims

how to change character's appearance in sims 4

You played enough time and decided it was timechange the appearance of your sim and / or other characters in the game? This problem can be solved by changing clothes, applying make-up or changing hair. With game characters, everything is much simpler, unlike the previous version of Sims, where each Sim had to change clothes separately and change the hairstyle and makeup specifically for each type of outfit.

Now it is enough to choose one sim and clickOn the mirror, dresser or wardrobe, the function "Change appearance" or "Select outfit" depending on the category of furniture. Then you go to the character editor. It immediately displays all the Sims from the game family, everyone can change all the outfits, hairstyles and makeup. The only thing that becomes unavailable in the editor is the change of age, character traits and body modification.

Change non-game sims

With non-player characters, all this needs to be done differently. Recommendations on how to change a character in Sims 4 are as follows:

  1. Save the game.
  2. Click the button in the right corner of the "Change City" screen.
  3. Then click the button in the same place as the “Family List”.
  4. In the appeared window there are lists of all families that live in cities, as well as those that are generated by the game and are left without a home.
  5. Select the desired family.
  6. A menu will open up with features like editing, relocation to a new home, splitting or merging characters, and family deletion. You need an "Edit" button.
  7. The character editor opens.
  8. Then do everything the same as in the case of the game family.

How to completely change the character in "Sims 4"?

As mentioned above, in "Sims 4" is missingthe ability in game mode to change the body and face of Sims in detail. The only thing you can do is get better or lose weight. The first is possible if you feed sims with cakes, and the second by buying a simulator.

how to completely change the character in sims 4

Since in "Sims 4" to change the character's bodythere is no other way in the game mode, if you want to change the appearance of the Sims, you need to resort to cheating (entering codes). With the help of two cheats, you can enter the character creation editor with accessible functions for changing body, facial features, age, and character.

Instructions on how to change a character in Sims 4 completely:

  1. Open the line for entering codes using the Ctrl, Shift and C key combination.
  2. The line will open in the upper left corner.
  3. Type in the phrase Testingcheats true - this is the developer code.
  4. Then enter the second code responsible for changing the characters - Cas.fulleditmode.
  5. Enter the character creation editor. This can be done in two ways:
  • Hold down the Shift key and click on the desired sim, in the menu that appears, select the item "Change to CAS";
  • move the sim to the mirror or wardrobe and select “Change appearance”.

Tip:if your sim has additional character traits (rewards) acquired for the balls of happiness, they will disappear if you enter the editor through the item “Change in CAS” by clicking on the character. To avoid this, it is better to interact with mirrors and wardrobes.