/ / Subordinate Political Culture

Subordinate political culture

The main role of the state is to ensure the normal socio-economic development of the country.

In fact, it is an organizedThe form of management of public processes, carried out both by state bodies, and civil associations. From these provisions it is possible to deduce the value of the system responsible for relations between the state and the individual.

The political system, the definition of whichis expressed by a combination of state bodies, various social entities and citizens taking part in the regulation of social processes, is a way of such interaction. There are several more definitions of the political system. This concept can be defined as the structure of state and social social institutions that play certain roles in the political process. Also, this system should be understood as the interaction of state bodies, public associations and democratic institutions in a single political space.

The state in the political system of societyis in a special situation due to its sovereignty, that is, domination in relation to other sources of power. State acts prevail over any prescriptions of public associations and are protected by a powerful law enforcement system. The state represents not local desires of separate groups of the population, but public interests. It monopolizes law-making.

The degree of involvement of the state in publicthe country's processes largely determine the political culture that characterizes the integrity of the ethnos in the field of public power. It is created from the traditional values ​​and beliefs of the subjects of the political process. There are different typologies of political cultures. However, the classification, put forward by S. Verba and G. Almond in the scientific work "Civic Culture", which was published in 1963, became especially famous. These sociologists have identified three types of relations between the state and society: a subordinate political culture, parochial and partisipatorial.

The last two types are extremestate of civic consciousness. With the parochial nature of culture, the political interest of the population is extremely small, knowledge is scarce. While in civil society, civic activity is massive, the relevance of political life in such a noosphere to the average person is high. The subordinate political culture occupies an intermediate position between these polar states of society and is distinguished by a strongly oriented society in relation to the institutions of power.

In practice, these species interact andare mixed. The authors note that from the point of view of the interests of the stability of the socio-political regime, the most positive is the subject political culture. This form of social consciousness can be attributed to Russia. The symptomatic picture of the civil mood of our country speaks in favor of such a diagnosis. A characteristic feature of this state of society is a pronounced orientation toward a political system with an extremely low participation in it. The absence of a developed civil society serves as the main proof that the subordinate political culture does not evolve into other types.

To overcome this stagnant politicalthe situation in which a Russian citizen turned out, first you need to forget the atavism of the Soviet period by clearing the space for private initiatives and creativity. Meanwhile, it remains to pin hopes on those weak sprouts of a new civil society that break through the asphalt of historical heredity.