/ / Leningrad region: sights, features and interesting facts

Leningrad region: sights, features and interesting facts

St. Petersburg is a beautiful city, beautiful, withunique architecture and ancient history. But no less interesting are the sights of the Leningrad region! In the vicinity of the city you can find caves, and reserves, and chic palaces, and just beautiful natural places that attract tourists from all over the world. We offer an overview of the most interesting places in the Leningrad region, which can be easily traveled by car. Let's start in order.

Natural Beauty

Lenoblast attractions

Neighborhoods of St. Petersburg are rich not onlymonuments of architecture, but also beautiful places in nature, which remained primordial. If you like a relaxing holiday, as close to nature as possible, then you should definitely visit some natural sights of the Leningrad region:

  1. Gorchakovsky waterfall, located next toa unique earth fortress, can be found in the Volkhov district, in the village of Staraya Ladoga. It is, of course, small, but for the local nature the phenomenon is quite unique.
  2. In the Leningrad region there is the lake Vuoksa, which was formed in the ice age. In the middle of the lake there are islands that are covered with coniferous forests.
  3. Peter I created many artificial lakes,one of the first - Sestroretsk spill. Local residents very often come here to relax, as there are clean beaches, there is a cafe, running a river tram. And lovers of history can visit the museum-hut of Lenin.
  4. Veps forest is an ideal place if youinterest not touched by man natural attractions of the Leningrad region. This national park is a real island of freedom and silence, a kind of museum that is located in the open air. It was created to protect the beauty of forests and marshes.
  5. Mountains and volcanoes.Yes, yes, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg you can find even them! For example, during the reign of Catherine II, they began to develop quarries for the extraction of marble and other materials in the windows of Ruskeala. They were used to erect St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Hermitage, the Marble Palace. Another attraction is the Hirvas volcano, which was discovered in the waters of the Suna River.

Also in the vicinity of St. Petersburg you can see the island of Seskar, Dudergofsky heights, the rock of Love, which all lovers of natural beauties will like.

About natural wonders

If you are interested in unusualsights of the Leningrad region, they can also be found here. For example, a mysterious place is Tanechkina Cave, located near the fortress in Staraya Ladoga. Initially, quartz sand was extracted in it, but over time resources were depleted. Today this place is very beloved by bats. You can get here by train or bus.

sights of Leningrad by car

Speaking of caves, it is necessary to mention Sablinsky,which are complemented by canyons and waterfalls. All this in a complex creates a truly mysterious atmosphere. The uniqueness of this cave in the only in Russia operating underground chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is located in one of the caves of the reserve.

Another interesting place is the Oredezhskie caves, which have unusual vaults, reminiscent of Gothic architecture. Here, sand was extracted, from which glass was then produced.

About little-known places

Little-known sights of the Leningrad region -this, for example, Toksovsky bison nursery. Here you can see the bison in their natural habitat. You can get to the reserve by train, bus, and by car. Many lovers of travel are sent to the island of Konevets. Its peculiarity is in a unique nature and numerous architectural monuments. Another place that can attract the attention of tourists is the so-called Horse Lake. Its uniqueness is surrounded by a picturesque natural area.

unusual sights in the Leningrad Region

Little is known to tourists geysers, whichare located in the Gatchina district. To see the real fountains, beating from the ground, you can at any time of the year. To see these sights of the Leningrad region, by car you need to go along Korpikovskoe highway.

Architectural objects

little-known sights in the Leningrad Region

The popularity of St. Petersburg and its regionsis explained not only by the natural features of the territories, but also by its cultural and architectural monuments. If you like history and architecture, then for sure you will like such sights of Leningrad region as palaces, fortresses, military fortifications:

  1. Gatchina Palace.Today there is a state museum with a huge number of exhibits. The uniqueness of the place is in the picturesque gardens and parks that surround the palace. In the parks there are bridges, islands, a greenhouse and a poultry house. And the main elements of the composition are two lakes - White and Silver, and a pond.
  2. Priory Palace. It is an architectural symbol of Gatchina. The architectural complex has terraces, high roofs, Gothic windows, towers with spiers. The Priory is an interesting exhibit of the palace.
  3. The fortress in the Old Ladoga. This historical monument is the center of the village itself.
  4. Ekaterininsky Palace in Tsarskoye Selo is a favorite place for visiting tourists from all over the world.

Thus, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg you can find a variety of palaces and manors that will help you to imagine the historical appearance of this area and plunge into its cultural traditions.

Military fortifications

Natural attractions in the Leningrad Region

But not all are interested in cultural, natural orarchitectural sights of Leningrad region. There are people who like various defensive structures. Such tourists and travelers will be interested in the following objects:

  1. Annenskie fortifications, located in Vyborg, onisland of Tverdysh. Today it is a rare monument of Russian defense architecture from the time of Peter the Great. Four bastions, connected by curtains, stretch along the Vyborg Gulf.
  2. East-Vyborg fortifications.Another interesting monument is the Battery Mountain or the East Vyborg defensive fortifications, which were necessary during the war with Finland. And today, fortifications remain valuable examples of serf architecture.

Come to the Leningrad region!

Whatever holiday you are interested in, on the territoryLeningrad region there is an interesting place that you will like. Be sure to visit some of them. They will not make you disappoint.