/ / Cobweb beautiful - deadly poisonous mushroom. Description and photo

Cobweb beautiful - deadly poisonous mushroom. Description and photo

Have you heard of a mushroom like a spider web? And he turns out to be deadly poisonous! Detailed information you will find in the article.

Cobweb beautiful - deadly poisonous mushroom

The photo of the mushroom in question is presented to yourattention in the article. The cobweb is beautiful (reddish) - is a poisonous mushroom of the genus Cobweb, family Spiderweaf. In the people it is also called a hedgehog. They can not be eaten either raw or cooked, because the toxins contained in them provoke the development of renal failure. This genus consists of at least 40 species. Some are considered poisonous, some are edible, and some are conditionally edible. By external signs, these mushrooms are quite similar, so they are often confused. This suggests that it is better not to collect them without proper knowledge of both spider webs and mushrooms in general. And in order to decide to eat such a mushroom for food, you need to be 100% sure what kind of spider web you have found.

Until the 1950s, it was believed that these mushrooms cantake in food. And it was only as a result of the large number of incidents with spider web poisoning with orange-red and, later, the most beautiful web spider, registered in 1957, that it was decided to include these mushrooms as deadly poisonous. These two species are the most toxic.

spider web beautiful deadly poisonous mushroom


Cap width ranges from 4 to 9 cm, startsfrom conical shape, flowing into flat prostrate, with tubercle in the center. The outer layer is dry, matte with a velvety and fibrous structure. The color is reddish orange or reddish brown, the central part is darker. In contact with water does not increase in size.

The plates are planted infrequently, they are wide, thick.Initially, the color corresponds to the cap, then changes to a reddish-brown. In young fungi, a spider web of yellow-ocher coloration can be seen.

Leg cylindrical, increasing ortapering at the base, while its length is 60-100 mm and thickness 4-10 mm. On the fiber coating can be found curved belts barely yellow.

The flesh has a light orange or yellow-brown shade with a bad smell.

The trace of the dispute is red-brown. Their sizes are 8-8.5 microns, the shape is wide elliptical or almost spherical, with a warty outer layer. Heilocystides are practically absent.

Spider Web A beautiful deadly poisonous mushroom that occurs

Where it grows

Cobweb beautiful - deadly poisonous fungus,which is found in Europe in numerous regions. In our localities they grow in the central regions, as well as in the northern part. One can notice such mushrooms in the mountainous areas, on the hillsides. They are quite rare.

How grows

Most grows such a mushroom in oak, andalso old coniferous forests, where light sandy soil is common. Raw spruce forests with green sphagnum mosses are also favorable for growth.

Poisonous disputes can be dispersed to other territories with the help of air flow and as a result of tactile contact. Mycorrhiza forms with spruce.

Fruits in July, until the formation on the soil of the first frost. Other species of fungi of this genus can be found near the clusters of the most beautiful web spider.

A cobweb beautiful - deadly poisonous mushroom: species

Up to 40 species can be found in our territories.mushrooms of this genus, and only 2 of them are edible. Some of them are so dangerous that they are equated with panther toadstools. The vast majority of mushrooms are simply inedible.

Find the difference among all these species can only specialists, which suggests that it is better to bypass them.

spider web beautiful deadly mushroom species

Similar species

Mountain cobweb is another poisonous mushroom,the use of which can be fatal. The width of its cap is 30-80 mm, at first it is convex, and when the mushroom is aging, its shape becomes flat, in the central part there is a flat tubercle. The outer layer is dry. The color varies from yellowish brown to reddish brown. The height of the legs - 40-90 mm, and its width - 10-20 mm. At the bottom of it already. The surface of the cap and leg is fibrous.

Паутинник съедобный – вид гриба, который можно to eat. His second name is fat. Its 50-80 millimeter cap has a dense, fleshy structure with edges rolled to the ground. Over the course of the life cycle, it takes on a flat, slightly depressed form. Its color is grayish white, and the surface is wet. The leg has a height of 20-30 mm and a width of 15-20 mm, it is dense, without bends.

Web slug - conditionally edible fungus.It should not be confused with spider web mucous. The cap has a diameter of 100-120 mm. At first, it has a bell-shaped form, which eventually becomes flat with a curved edge. The color of the cap varies between yellowish, brown and brown. The whole mushroom is covered with mucus. The foot reaches 200 mm in length, it resembles a spindle. Its color is white, it is found with a bluish tinge. On the stem, particles in the form of clumps and ringlets can be detected.

There is another similar deadly poisonous species - spiderweb shiny. It is quite rare. It is very easy to recognize him by a bright yellow hat covered with mucus. It is found in coniferous forests.

Cobweb beautiful (deadly poisonous fungus,similar species which were presented to your attention above) can still be confused with some edible mushrooms. This is a crimson hygrophorus, a camphorum's larch, and a type of sheepskin — deep armillaria. The main difference between a poisonous fungus and a canine mushroom is the presence on its leg of ocher ribbons and red plates - they are white or light yellow in the bud.

spider web beautiful deadly poisonous mushroom similar species


What else is known about such a mushroom as a spider web beautiful? Deadly poisonous fungus, the classification of which includes the following basic data:

  • Nadtsarstvo - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Mushrooms.
  • The kingdom - Higher mushrooms.
  • Department - Basidiomycetes.
  • Subdivision - Agaricomicina.
  • Class - Agaricomycetes.
  • Subclass - Agarikovye.
  • Family - Cobwebs.
  • Rod - Web.
  • Subgenus - Leprotsibe.
  • View - Web is beautiful.
  • The world scientific name: Cortinarius rubellus Cooke.

cobweb beautiful deadly poisonous mushroom classification

Toxic substances

Cobweb beautiful - rare deadlypoisonous fungus, which contains a very strong toxin, a complex polypeptide - orellanin. It does not lose its toxic properties after treatment with high temperatures, placing it in a different acidic environment and drying. Toxicity is greatly reduced only by ultraviolet and solar radiation. This mushroom contains 7.5 mg of orellanin for every 1 g of dried mushrooms.

Experts believe that in addition to orellanin,The fungi contain an additional 2 polypeptides, cortinarin A and B, which determine the totality of manifestations in the form of patient complaints. The joint presence of these 3 components was revealed only in 2 species of mushrooms of this family: the most beautiful (red) and orange-red spider webs.

spider web beautiful rare deadly poisonous mushroom

Main symptoms, and how quickly they appear

Thanks to a lot of research,It is determined that the main organ that affects orelanin is the kidney. Because of its joint effects with metabolites, free radicals arise in the cells of the kidney epithelium, destruction of cell walls, suppression of alkaline phosphatase and protein production, as well as damage to the structure of RNA and DNA occur.

Harm to the body can cause even insignificantamount of product. 40 g of freshly harvested mushrooms, eaten, can lead to death. That is why to save your life, it is recommended not to pay attention to the cobwebs of a brown-red hue, and not to collect suspicious mushrooms at all.

The clinical picture of orellanin syndrome largely depends on the personal susceptibility to the toxin. In the case of spider web poisoning, there are four beautiful stages of the disease.

Special danger of orellanin poisoningis that the symptoms as a result of his entry into the body can only appear after a long time, when it will be too late, and everyone will safely forget about eating mushrooms. There are cases when symptoms appear after 7-14 days. During poisoning, the patient may experience nausea, a great need for drinking, a sense of dryness and burning sensation in the mouth, vomiting, and painful manifestations in the abdomen may occur. This condition can last from 1 to 2 weeks. If you do not promptly ask for help, it is not fatal. In special cases, when the patient's condition is very serious, the onset of death can occur even 5 months after the use of the poisonous fungus.

Spider web. Beautiful deadly poisonous mushroom. Photo

In the case of a short lethal stage, within 2-3 days, acute renal failure with a long oligoanuric stage is formed. Children and the elderly suffer the most from the disease.

If nephropathy is held for a long time, then in 30-50% of cases it will be followed by the formation of a chronic form of renal failure.