Слава им, которые не побоялись оставить теплые и cozy dwellings, hospitable tables and went into the unknown, risking their lives, with the sole purpose - to know the secret or bring the rest to its solution.
However, not all trips ended successfully.Many expeditions were inexplicably lost. Some did not manage to find, the found remains of others do not shed light on the causes of their death, giving more mysteries than answers to questions.
Many of the missing expeditions are still the subject of investigation today, as the strange circumstances of their disappearance haunt the inquisitive minds.
In the wake of a missing Arctic expedition
One of the first in the sad list of missinglisted expedition Franklin. The study of the Arctic was the primary cause of the equipment of this expedition in 1845. It should have explored an unknown part of the Northwest Passage, lying between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in the zone of temperate latitudes, approximately 1670 km long, and completing the discovery of unknown Arctic regions. The expedition was headed by an officer of the English fleet - 59-year-old John Franklin. By this time he was already a member of three expeditions to the Arctic, two of which he headed. John Franklin, whose expedition was thoroughly prepared, already had experience of a polar explorer. Together with the crew, he traveled from the English port of Greenheit on May 19 on the ships Erebus and Terror (with a displacement of approximately 378 tons and 331 tons, respectively).
The story of the missing expedition of Franklin
Both ships were well equipped and fitted.for swimming in ice, much was provided for the convenience and comfort of the crew. A large supply of food for three years was loaded into the holds. Biscuits, flour, pickled pork and beef, canned meat, reserves of lemon juice against scurvy - all this was measured in tons. But, as it was discovered later, the canned food, which the unfair manufacturer Stephen Goldner put the expedition cheaply on, turned out to be of poor quality and, according to some researchers, was one of the reasons for the death of many sailors from the Franklin expedition.
In the summer of 1845, relatives of the crew membersreceived a few letters. The letter sent by Osmer, an economist from Erebus, said that they would wait for their return to their homeland in 1846. In 1845, the captains of the whaling ships Robert Martin and Dunnett told of a meeting with two ships of the expedition, waiting for suitable conditions to cross the Lancaster Strait. The captains were the last Europeans who saw John Franklin and his expedition alive. In the following 1846 and 1847, no news from the expedition was received anymore, 129 of its members were gone forever.
The first search group on the trail of the missingships were sent at the insistence of his wife John Franklin only in 1848. In addition to the ships of the Admiralty, thirteen third-party ships joined the search for the famous navigator: eleven of them belonged to Britain and two to America.
As a result of a long persistent search for troopsmanaged to find some traces of the expedition: three graves of deceased sailors, cans with the Goldner stamp. Later in 1854, John Re, an English doctor and traveler, discovered traces of the expedition participants in the territory of the present Canadian province of Nunavut. According to the Eskimos, people who came to the mouth of the Buck River died of starvation, and among them were cases of cannibalism.
In 1857, the widow of Franklin after vain attemptsto persuade the government to send another search team itself sends an expedition to find at least some traces of the missing husband. In total, 39 polar expeditions participated in the search for John Franklin and his team, some of which were sent at the expense of his wife. In 1859, members of the regular expedition headed by officer William Hobson found a written report about the death of John Franklin on June 11, 1847 in a pyramid made of stones.
The reasons for the death of the expedition of Franklin
Long 150 years it was unknown that"Erebus" and "Terror" were overwhelmed with ice, and the team, forced to leave the ships, tried to reach the Canadian coast, but the harsh arctic nature left no chances to survive.
Today, the courageous John Franklin and his expedition inspire artists, writers, scriptwriters to create works that tell about the life of heroes.
Mysteries of the Siberian taiga
Secrets of the missing expeditions do not cease to rebelthe minds of our contemporaries. In today's progressive time, when a man stepped into space, looked into the depths of the sea, revealed the secret of the atomic nucleus, many mysterious events that occur to a man on earth remain unexplainable. Some of the missing expeditions to the USSR belong to such secrets, the most mysterious of which is the Dyatlov tourist group.
The vast territory of our country with its mysteriousSiberian taiga, old Ural mountains, dividing the mainland into two parts of the world, with stories about numerous treasures hidden in the bowels of the earth, always attracted the inquisitive minds of researchers. The missing expeditions in the taiga are a tragic part of our history. No matter how hard the Soviet authorities tried to hide and hush up tragedies, information about the disappeared whole teams, overgrown with rumors and implausible legends, reached people.
Inexplicable circumstances of the death of Igor Dyatlov and his expedition
With the name of the mountain Holat-Sakhyl (which translates as“The mountain of the dead”), located in the northern part of the Urals, is one unsolved mystery relating to the missing expeditions to the USSR. The Mansi nationalities living in these places gave the ridge such an ominous name: many times people or groups of people (usually 9 people) disappeared without a trace or died for no apparent reason. An inexplicable tragedy happened on this mountain at night from February 1 to 2 in 1959.
And this story began with the fact that January 23a detachment of nine Sverdlovsk tourists, headed by Igor Dyatlov, went to the planned ski crossing, the complexity of which belonged to the highest category, and the length was 330 kilometers. Nine again! What is it: an accidental coincidence of circumstances or fatal inevitability? Indeed, 11 people were supposed to go on a 22-day trip, but one of them for good reasons refused at the very beginning, and the other, Yuri Yudin, went on a hike, but fell ill along the way and was forced to return home. It saved his life.
The final composition of the group:five students, three graduates of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, an instructor of the tourist center. Of the nine members - two girls. All expedition tourists were experienced skiers and had the experience of living in extreme conditions.
Целью отряда лыжников был хребет Отортен, что с The Mansi language is translated warning “don't go there.” On the ill-starred February night, a detachment set up a camp on one of the slopes of Kholat-Syakhyl; the top of the mountain was three hundred meters away, and Mount Otorten was 10 km away. In the evening, when the group was preparing for dinner and was engaged in the design of the newspaper "Evening Otorten", something inexplicable and terrible happened. What could have scared the guys so much and why they panicked up from the tents they had cut from inside, it is not clear until today. During the investigation, it was found that the tourists left the tent in a hurry, some did not even have time to put on their shoes.
What happened to the Dyatlov expedition?
At the appointed time the group of skiers is notI returned and did not let me know. The native guys sounded the alarm. They began to apply to educational institutions, to the tourist center and to the police, demanding the start of search work.
February 20, when all waiting periods expired,the first detachment was sent by the leadership of the Polytechnic Institute in search of the missing Dyatlov expedition. Soon he will be followed by other units, police and military structures will be involved. Only the twenty-fifth day of the search yielded some results: a tent was found, cut along the side, there are untouched things in it, and not far from the overnight place are the corpses of five people whose death was caused by hypothermia. All the tourists were in poses crouching from the cold, one of them had a head injury. Two have traces of nosebleeds. Why did people who ran out of the tent barefoot and half-dressed people could not or did not want to return to it? This question still remains a mystery.
After several months of searching on the snowOn the bank of the Lozva River, four more bodies of the expedition members were found. Each of them had fractures of the limbs and damage to the internal organs; the skin had an orange and purple hue. The corpse of the girl was found in a strange pose - she was kneeling in the water and she had no tongue.
Subsequently, the entire group was buried inSverdlovsk in the Mikhailovsky cemetery in a mass grave, and the place of their death is marked with a memorial plaque with the names of the dead and with the screaming inscription “There were nine of them” The pass that has not been conquered by the group has since become known as the Dyatlov Pass.
Unanswered Questions
What happened to the Dyatlov expedition?Until now, there are only numerous versions and assumptions. Some researchers blame the death of a UFO squad and, as evidence, cite eyewitnesses about the appearance of yellow fireballs at the Mountain of the Dead on that night. The state meteorological station also recorded unknown "spherical objects" in the area of the death of a small detachment.
According to another version, the guys came to the ancient Aryan underground treasury, for which they were killed by its guardians.
There are versions for which the missingDyatlova expedition died in connection with the testing of various types of weapons (from atomic to vacuum), with alcohol poisoning, with a ball lightning strike, with an attack of a bear and a snowman, with an avalanche.
Official version
In May 1959, an officialconclusion about the death of the expedition Dyatlov. It indicated its reason: a certain elemental force, which the guys could not overcome. The perpetrators of the tragedy was not found. By decision of the first secretary, the case was closed, strictly classified and transferred to the archive with instructions not to destroy it until a special order.
After 25 years of storage, all closed criminal cases were destroyed. However, the “Dyatlov Case” after the expiration of the statute of limitations remained to lie on dusty shelves.
Missing schooner "Holy Anna"
In 1912, the schooner "Holy Anna" went toswimming around the Scandinavian Peninsula and gone. Only 2 years later, the navigator V.Albanov and the sailor A.Kondar returned to the Big Earth. The latter closed in himself, drastically changed the type of activity and never once with anyone wanted to discuss what happened to the schooner. Albanov, on the contrary, said that in the winter of 1912, "St. Anna" froze into the ice and was carried to the Arctic Ocean. In January 1914, 14 people from the team received permission from Captain Brusilov to go ashore and on their own to get to civilization. On the way 12 died. Albanov has developed a vigorous activity, trying to organize the search for wiped-out schooner ices. However, the ship Brusilov was never found.
Other missing expeditions
Many were absorbed by the Arctic: aeronautics under the leadership of the Swedish scientist Salomon Andre, the Kars expedition led by V. Rusanov, the Scott team.
Other missing expeditions of the 20th century are related totragic and mysterious circumstances of the death of the seekers of the Golden City of Paytiti in the vast jungles of the Amazon. To solve this mystery, 3 scientific expeditions were organized: in 1925 - under the leadership of the British military and topographer Forset, in 1972 - the French-British team Bob Nichols and in 1997 - the expedition of the Norwegian anthropologist Hawkshall. They all vanished without a trace. Particularly striking is the disappearance in 1997, when the expedition’s technical equipment was at its highest level. They could not find! Locals claim that all those who are looking for the Golden City will be destroyed by the Huachipairi tribe - the Indians who guard the city’s secret.
Missing expeditions ... Something mysterious andominous lies in these words. These expeditions were equipped and sent to solve a problem or explain a riddle to the world, but their very disappearance became an inconceivable mystery for contemporaries and descendants.