/ / Dyatlov Pass. What really happened on that frosty night in the Ural Mountains?

Dyatlov Pass. What really happened on that frosty night in the Ural Mountains?

The history of the XX century - both domestic andWorldwide is full of mysterious incidents. One of these events to this day is a reminder of the Dyatlov Pass. What really happened on that frosty night in the Ural Mountains? This question excites today thousands of minds around the world. And for many it is not just the interest of the evening. Whole research is being conducted in this area, experts have come forward in their respective circles, offering their views on the Dyatlov Pass, what really happened there and who is involved in it. Perhaps it would be no exaggeration to say that the investigation into the circumstances of this event has already become a kind of hobby, a kind of intellectual sport for many people.

dyatlov pass what really happened

Dyatlov Pass. What really happened from the reliably known

In early 1959, an unremarkable groupstudents from the Ural Polytechnic Institute gathered in a hike to Mount Otorten, which is located in the Sverdlovsk region. Among the participants in the group, six were students (group leader - Igor Dyatlov including), three graduates and an instructor from one of the neighboring tourist centers. The group left by train from Sverdlovsk on January 23. The last for young people to be a stronghold of civilization was the settlement of geologists Second Northern. Here one of the participants of the campaign experienced health problems on January 28. Because he was forced to return to Sverdlovsk, which may have saved him

dyatlov pass what happened
a life. The remaining nine members of the tourist group advanced the next day on skis in the direction of the Cholat-Chahl and Otorten mountains.

Dyatlov Pass. What happened according to the investigation

When a group of tourists did not return home tothe appointed time, moreover, they did not even give any signals that they had successfully returned to civilization, the institute began to worry. The return of the students was to take place on February 12th. The beginning of the organization of search work was laid on February 19. Only after six days of searching the children’s tent was found on the slope of Mount Holat-Chahl, empty and strangely cut with a knife in several places. The bodies of all the guys were found until May, when the snow had completely melted. At different distances from the tent, with various implicit signs of death occurred - some have severe injuries to the skull or chest, others just froze in the snow without any other obvious fatal injuries. Moreover, the investigation found out that all the students left their tent what they were in without even spending time on dressing. Actually, the question of what forced the guys to leave their tent, from which they left, and is central to this whole story. The investigation, opened in the spring of 1959, initially had local tribes of the Mansi people as suspects, but as a result, the investigator Lev Ivanov never made any intelligible conclusions about the Dyatlov Pass. What actually happened, the investigation was unable to determine. And in his conclusion until today, an amazing phrase has been designated that some unknown and irresistible elemental force served as the cause of death.

The mystery of the Dyatlov Pass: what happened in the opinion of modern research

Actually, the incompleteness of the facts and the impossibility ofBased on them, it is completely possible to assemble a mosaic of events and make the tragedy so popular. Today there is not a single coherent theory that combines all the oddities of this

the secret of the woodpecker's pass what happened
accidents:the position of the bodies, the unusual color of the skin of corpses, the unknown origin of the injury, the purpose of the cuts on the tent, it is not clear where the traces of radiation on the clothes of some tourists come from and much more. And these versions, I must say, there are today a few dozen. The most elaborate and solid are the assumptions of death from a man-made disaster, criminal (after all there were several camps for prisoners, poachers or even foreign spies could be murderers), natural, indicating, for example, a possible avalanche. At the same time, as was noted, none of the versions is able today to fully explain what actually happened.