"Nona" weaving is performed on the basis of the armortechnology, which is particularly resistant to mechanical damage. For reliability, it is not inferior to the "Rombo" (male variation), but it looks more light and elegant, so women choose it more often.
Braided weaving
This technology got its name due to the similarity to the chain mail. Ornaments made on the basis of this technique can be distinguished on two grounds:
- two-sided sanding of the links, giving the product additional shine;
- The fastening of the elements is carried out in one plane, providing resistance to tension and rubbing.
This type of connection links does not meanonly flat weaving, but also bulk, which is also famous for its strength. Armor technology allows you to create a pretty massive exterior decoration, so it is often used for men's products.
Features of Nonna
This variation is very elegant, in contrast tomost types of armor plaiting, so its production is confined to the female half of the population. If you want to make men's chains or bracelets in this technique, they operate with the thickness and shape of the links, making them angular and massive. For additional gloss on the surface of the decoration, a diamond face is applied, sparkling when exposed to light.
This weave is sometimes unjustifiably confused with"Figaro" because of the alternation of links of different shapes. Visually, they have nothing in common, because in the first case the elements are in each other and form a double knot, while the second one is single.
Manual and machine knitting
Технологии в области ювелирной промышленности stepped far ahead, so the creation of chain decorations has become much simpler. Now the weaving of the chain "Nona" is carried out manually and mechanically.
The first option is less and less common, only whenmore massive links are required, since automatic mating allows to obtain elements with a thickness of no more than 0.2 mm. Thus, machine manufacturing is ideal for women's weaving, requiring grace and subtle lines.
But despite the apparent fragility of the decoration, it in any case retains its strength, which is important for constant wear.
Who will do
As it was said earlier, now "Nonna" is referred tojewelry unisex, but the representatives of the stronger sex rarely buy them. They are much closer to the men's chains, made in the technique of "Rhombus", because such products are more massive and angular.
Such an elegant netting, of course, can be approacheda young man, but only his manual version, the thickness of which exceeds the machine knitting. But girls should not limit themselves. The "Nonna" weaving will always face them, and it does not matter which product is made in this technique.
Впрочем, не так давно появилась комбинированная The variation that unites "Figaro" and "grandma's network". While it is produced only by machine, so the chains on sale are rather thin. In addition, such products are less robust, since the impregnation of single round links slightly disturbs the original structure of the weave. Jewelry created on the basis of this technique, have an impersonal appearance, so it is suitable for both men and women.
Gold or silver
Chain products "Nona" produce from anyprecious metal, it remains only to choose the vending option. But some people by the type of appearance may not be suitable for gold or silver, so it is worth taking a closer look at this moment.
Yellow metal is well suited to people with dark skin.skin, blond hair and eyes. He will emphasize these details of appearance, but in moderation, without focusing on something concrete. In addition, there is a perception that the golden weaving "Nonna" (or any other product made of this material) has a healing effect: it normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, and also simply elevates the mood with depression and fatigue.
Silver is the exact opposite of the yellow metal.It decorates people with pale skin, dark hair or noble gray hair, pleasantly emphasizing its shade. Particularly advantageous against the background of silver are cold colors, so it is also suitable for owners of ash-blond hair or steel blond.
According to its properties, the silver weave "Nonna"strikingly different from gold. This metal has long been known for its positive effect on the human body, therefore from it till now continue to make amulets. Among other things, silver brings calm, relieves of neuroses and relieves excess tension.
Of course, you should not use your favorite decoration to get rid of the negative, otherwise very soon its useful properties will come to naught or begin to act against the owner of the product.
What to prefer, everyone chooseson their own. If a person is extremely vulnerable to a certain metal, then the tips described in this section will not be useful to him. The only thing to be reckoned with is a sense of proportion, because even such a simple decoration, like a “Nonna” chain, in inept hands can spoil an image.
Funny fact
Many still believe that the weaving "Nonna"got its name in honor of a certain woman, because such cases are not uncommon. In fact, "Nonna" is just a convenient abbreviation for the Italian phrase, which translates as "grandmother's weaving." However, what is the reason for such a cozy name, today it is difficult to guess, because there is no mention of this.