The braid of the French braid is convenient, easy and beautiful. In order to agree with this statement, it is enough to learn how to do this and practice a little.
For the sake of beauty, a woman can go to extreme measures,to put all the forces into the achievement of the goal and to subordinate to the service of beauty all his life. But if you get the best result by minimal means, why exert excessive effort? The necessary skill for every woman is to quickly and accurately bring your hair in order, removing them in your hair. One of the best options for such a case is the French braid.

In this article, stage after stage describes the weaving of the French braid. For virtuosic possession of this technique, short training is enough.
French braids can be braided on any hair,thick or thin. On thin hair before we begin to braid the French braid, it is recommended to do the hair. For a neat hair kind, combed hair should be slightly combed from above.

Strands intertwine, as in the usual spit: the right - with the middle, then - the left with the middle. The ordinary braid is the beginning of the French braid. It will be called the foundation.
Next, you need to pick up a strand of loose hair on the right side and combine them with the right strand of the base. Thus it is necessary to hold the middle and left strands of the base. After

Then you need to weave a lock on the left side. Here we do the same. The whole head is moving

After all the hair is woven into the braid, you cancontinue to weave an ordinary scythe or simply collect them in the tail. A more original continuation has a weaving of 5 strands, but it is more difficult from a technical point of view and takes more time. But this looks like a hairstyle just fabulous, like a true decoration of the queen.
The original ending of the French braid is to come up withnot so difficult. You can collect the hair in the tail and twist the ends a little or collect them in a neat "egg" or a usual beautiful braid. It all depends on the motive for which a hairstyle is created, and on the imagination of the one who will wear it.