/ / Lilac color - mysterious and mysterious!

Lilac color is mysterious and mysterious!

С точки зрения психологии, сиреневый цвет можно regarded as the color of nostalgia, creativity and a bright future. Therefore, it is usually chosen creative and positive personalities. The color of the fragrant lilac, like the flower itself, is very sensual and tender and keeps within itself some kind of mystery and understatement. And people who prefer this color are often secretive and incredulous natures. Also, psychologists say that lovers of lilac shades may be prone to depression, but at the same time quickly cope with the overwhelming blues. A distinctive feature of such people, among other things, is the willingness to provide free assistance.

Lilac color in clothing is preferable.the case when there is a desire to look mysterious, even mystical. Wearing a lilac dress or a blouse of flowing fabrics, you can set a playful mood and instantly enchant all those around you.

purple colour
Shades of lilac in the wardrobe are recommended to use more young ladies than adult women. A young girl in lilac clothes will look especially fresh.

Unlike deep purple, lilaccolor is not a “taboo” for blondes and red-haired owners of fair skin. He will not make the girl sickly pale. And the most advantageous of this delicate color looks on brunettes with dark skin.

Надев на себя что-нибудь оттенка сирени, можно get rid of stress and anxiety. This color is able to have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieve tension. It is believed that he is able to improve vision.

lilac color in clothes

Makeup with this color in clothes will beDepend on eye color first. If they are gray or green, then a pink-violet gamma is perfect. For brown eyes, the best option would be the use of silver-body shadows. Another rule to remember when applying make-up - the emphasis is on either the eyes or the lips. But the latter in any case should not be too pale.

С чем можно сочетать этот цвет?Lilac looks great in tandem with pink, white or blue. If it has a lighter or darker shade, then a good pair of it will be lemon, blue, cornflower, silver, purple and purple. Experiment with a touch of "pansies" can be combined with black or dark brown. But it is better to refuse red - it is not the best pair.

lilac color
The most courageous and extravagant people go further.And besides filling the wardrobe with lilac things, they use this color in the interior. In fact, this bold decision looks very worthy. And its combination with white color can visually draw out the interior elements. Lilac in the interior creates an atmosphere of romance and peace. But it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise the room will be too “cloying”. Since lilac color brings serenity and calmness, it is best to use it in a bedroom or children's room. It is suitable for the living room, if it is intended for recreation.