/ / Combination of colors: lilac with yellow, with white and other colors

The combination of colors: lilac with yellow, with white and other colors

Difficult lilac color very often causesdifficulties in drawing up combinations. In color, lilac refers to shades of the third order, therefore for its combination it is necessary to take into account more nuances than with other colors. The combination of colors, lilac in which is the main, may be bright or delicate, depending on the choice of additional shades.

color combination lilac

What is lilac?

The name of the color itself gives us an idea ofits shade. The complexity of identifying lilac is that it is often confused with violet, with which they are really close "relatives." Their difference is in intensity. Like violet, lilac is a combination of red and blue, but the first in it is slightly larger than in the more saturated "fellow." To reduce brightness, a third color is added to lilac - white. This makes it difficult and belongs to the third order group. Recall that all colors, depending on the complexity, are divided into three groups:

  • Plain colors are primary colors that cannot be obtained by mixing (blue, red, yellow).
  • Shades obtained by combining the two main (brown, orange, purple). They are called flowers of the second order.
  • Difficult tones obtained by combining 3 or more paints (lilac, salmon, blue-green, yellow-orange). These are the colors of the third order.

The most difficult to combine are the colors of the third group. Therefore, the combination of lilac color with other colors is not an easy coloristic task.

combination of lilac with other colors

Shades of lilac color and their names

To distinguish the color nuances of an untrained person is not easy. Shades of lilac color can differ in several parameters:

  • By intensity. The degree of brightness allows you to highlight such shades as pale lilac, light lilac, lilac, bright lilac, dark lilac.
  • By warmth. Traditionally it is believed that lilac, likepurple is a cold color. However, the volume of the red tone can bring it closer to warm. On this basis, such shades as periwinkle (cold, light shade), wisteria (warm, light), orchid color (medium warm) are distinguished.
  • Prevailing tone. The dominant color is alsoclassification feature. In the lilac, two primary (red and blue) may prevail, they may have different degrees of severity. This leads to the appearance of such shades as pink-lilac, blue-lilac, lavender, amethyst. Gray, beige can be mixed into lilac, then we can talk about such shades as gray-lilac, beige-lilac.

light lilac color

Lilac Perception

Any combination of colors, lilac is no exception,causes a person different sensations, emotions and associations. Difficult shades tend to cause mixed feelings and associations. Traditionally, lilac color is associated with tenderness, peace and tranquility. He leaves almost no one indifferent, he is either very much loved or completely rejected. The balance of red and blue in lilac causes harmonious balanced emotions when it is perceived. The presence of white tone enhances the feeling of coherence. Interestingly, the combination of lilac color with other colors can give it additional opportunities. The so-called color reflex can make it warmer or colder, which affects its perception.

yellow combination

Drawing a combination of color wheel

To simplify the selection of coloristiccombinations I. Itten on the basis of years of research has created a color wheel. In it, the tones are distributed in the spectral sequence. Inside the circle there is a triangle of basic colors: yellow, red and blue. The second tier is a hexagon formed by shades resulting from the mixing of primary colors: purple, green, orange. The outer tier, a circle, is formed by 12 tones that go from one to another. It is these shades that make up the spectrum. All colors are in regular relationships with each other. They can be:

  • Related. These are shades located next to each other. In total there are four groups of related colors: yellow-green, red-blue, yellow-red, blue-green.
  • Contrasting. These are colors opposite each other in the color wheel. For example, lilac and yellow will contrast with each other.
  • Complimentary. These colors are determined bythe triangle, the sharp apex of which will be the main color, the other two vertices indicate adjacent colors that enhance the main shade. For example, in relation to red-violet, yellow and green will be complimentary.

shades of lilac

Related and monochrome combinations

Similar and monochrome palettes are among the mostdifficult to combine, because the colors in the combination must be combined in warmth and tonality. A monochrome combination will be the colors within one cell in the color wheel, differing in degree of intensity. For example, a light lilac color can be combined with a dark lilac or pastel-lilac color. Such combinations look very stylish and harmonious, they are pleasant to the eye. But when combining them, you need to carefully adjust the shade, since the combination of warm and cold tones can create a feeling of variegation and untidiness. A variety of monochrome palette will also be a combination of lilac and white. Cool white perfectly emphasize the sophistication and tenderness of lilac. Related flowers in relation to the lilac will be pink-purple and blue, when selecting them you need to carefully check the tonality. Selection of similar combinations is based on a combination of two or three nearby tones. For example, pink, salmon, light blue-violet and light blue will suit lilac.

color combination lilac

Complimentary separate combinations

Simple and spectacular can beSeparately complimentary color combination. Lilac will be expressive and spectacular with companions such as lemon yellow and turquoise green. The choice of saturated colors allows you to create a very expressive palette, but if you stop at less intense colors, you can get a delicate and refined composition.

Contrast combinations

The most vivid and expressive arecontrasting combinations. Their main charm is that they most fully emphasize and reinforce each other. Contrasts are best distinguished by our eye. They can be built by:

  • Tonu. In this case, the opposite is the combination of yellow and lilac, i.e. flowers that are located in a circle opposite each other.
  • Saturation. In this case, the colors are selected within the framework of a single tone stretch. Contrast in this case will be dark lavender and pale lilac.
  • Warmth. Можно создавать композиции из теплых и холодных shades, although there will need a large color sense and a trained eye to avoid coarse combinations. The cold amethyst contrasting partner will become purple-lilac.

Sophisticated colors

The combination of shades of the third order allowscreate intricate combinations that are revealed with careful consideration. Usually the nuance combination of colors - lilac and aquamarine, lilac and salmon - looks unusual and can be difficult to read. But this makes them so expressive. Complex color solutions include:

  • a combination of yellow lemon and dark orchid;
  • a combination of bright emerald and rich lilac;
  • contrast turquoise and amethyst.

These are the main nuances that are worth paying attention to when combining colors.