/ / Metro on the bones, or the Ghost Train in the Moscow metro

Metropolitan on bones, or the Ghost Train in the Moscow metro

Moscow. Underground.Every month a mysterious and mysterious Moscow ghost train rushes along the rails at great speed! He makes stops, sometimes opening the doors of the cars. A driver sits in the cab, dressed in the building uniform of the pre-war years ... All the cars of this mysterious train are filled with the souls of construction workers who cannot find rest in any way ...

Legends of the Moscow metro

Metro construction

In the 40s of the last century in Moscow beganconstruction of the most famous Russian metro, or rather, its Ring Line. It was hard and exhausting work. Most of the builders were ordinary prisoners convicted of various crimes of a criminal and political nature.

The construction of the Moscow metro wasmarked by bloody events. The fact is that at this time, for one reason or another, quite a lot of workers died: unstable structures from time to time collapsed, burying alive an incredible number of builders; for unknown reasons, many prisoners were driven into ventilation shafts, then bricked up in walls without trial or investigation ...

ghost train in the Moscow metro

In a few years the bloody metro is allIt was completed. Today it is the pride of the capital of our country, without which it is simply impossible to imagine everyday life in Moscow. The price of this is hundreds of deaths of simple builders and convicts ...

But not everything is so simple.There is a kind of legend that you can see in this place ... a ghost train! In the Moscow metro, allegedly more than once already met a strange rusty and scratched train, racing along the rails at an incredible speed. What is it - a mass madness or an echo of "bloody" construction?

Mysterious ghost train in the Moscow metro

From time to time it can be observed aftermidnight on the Koltsevaya line. Interestingly, this ghost is always moving counterclockwise. According to eyewitnesses, this is a rusty blue-black electric train with yellow windows. Some claim that porcelain decoration is visible inside each car, while others saw walls covered with some kind of greenish tint ...

Moscow ghost train

It is still not clear:the ghost train in the Moscow metro is moving empty, or is there someone or something in the carriages? Some eyewitnesses say that there are visible some people from whom a barely noticeable other-worldly glow emanates, while others assure that this ghost is moving completely empty, only a driver sits in the cab, dressed in a worker’s building uniform.

Today the testimonies of many people are gathered.according to which a ghost train in the Moscow metro appears once a month, circling all the available stations and stopping at each of them. The doors of the cars mostly do not open, although several eyewitnesses say they have seen the opposite. In this case, the train can not be approached under any pretext!

Terrible train crash

Another legend says that this metro occurredterrible tragedy. There was a railway accident in which everyone died: passengers, train personnel and the driver. Of course, this legend has the right to exist, but there is no documented fact of such an accident.

legends of the Moscow metro

Be that as it may, it is not difficult to guess that the “passengers” of this train are the very workers, on whose bones Moscow pride adorns to this day - the metro.