/ / Modern fashion - new or well forgotten old?

Modern fashion - new or well forgotten old?

We are used to the fact that the headlines andglossy magazines are full of inscriptions from the category: "This season is fashionable ...", "All Hollywood stars wear it ...", etc. But what is hidden under attractive advertising: the real style of the XXI century or the next passing trend? What is a modern fashion?

modern fashion

New trends, textures and forms literallyimposed by the designers of modern society. If literally a year ago we saw an abundance of leather on stores, in fashion magazines, on television - a trend that had been circulating in the 20s of the last century, now in the spring-summer 2013 season we see a vertical black-and-white stripe Floral print and African motifs. Why among this variety of expensive and budget brands of a large number of designers, we do not see that individuality, which would conquer not only the masses, but only a few? What is the reason that the fashion market works for the public, and not for a particular character? How to stand out in this "fashionable" crowd and find your own style? Answers to these and other questions are quite difficult to find.

Modern fashion is massive, and this is herthe main difference from what was created by designers of the past decades. First of all, it is connected with the development of industrial society. If before clothes were created by designers manually from customer sketches, now even monsters such as Dolce & Gabbana and Chanel are forced to create collections aimed at the consumer. What are they doing this for? It is quite obvious - in order to earn extra money. World brands, creating modern fashion trends, send them to the masses, where more democratic brands copy their sketches, create replicated counterpart from “penny” materials and sell in various countries. Such mass-markets include ZARA, H & M, New Look, etc.

modern fashion trends

What is a modern fashion? Oddly enough, but in most
its forms and styles of our time are onlya copy of what was created in the 30s, 40s, 60s, 80s. Fashion industry began its journey not one hundred years ago, but only the last century, fashion has become available to all.

modern men's fashion

The first designer houses began to open inearly XX century, but they gained popularity and accessibility only in the postwar years. It was at the beginning of the twentieth century that women managed to get rid of the constricting movements of corsets, lush skirts. Here we see a basque for the first time - the main trend of 2012. It should be noted that modern men's fashion is developing on the same principle.

But we will continue about the female.Toward the middle of the 20th century, thanks to Ms. Chanel, the lady began to wear more strict business suits, little black dresses. Patch collar - another modern trend - taken precisely from the era of Coco. The “swinging sixties” made a real breakthrough in fashion; it was during this era that high-waisted dresses, skinny jeans, moccasins, bikinis, and miniskirts became popular. Androgyny, so relevant now, also originated in the 60s. One can endlessly enumerate what the “forgotten old” uses in modern fashion, but the fact remains that it is already impossible to invent anything new in the 21st century, everything was created in the last century.