Hairstyles, haircuts, styling ...Every year, yes there is nothing to say, every season there are new and new styles, names, models. But if you look at it, it turns out that everything new is a well-forgotten old! Including, and hairstyles for long hair.
Fashionable hairstyles for long hair of the season2012-2013 - this is deliberate negligence, and, of course, braids! Still in the "arsenal" of beauties are the ponytail and loose hair, however, these patterns also acquire a demonstrative uncomplicated character inherent in the new trend. Sometimes it seems that the hair was done in a few minutes and literally "on the go." However, in practice everything happens with accuracy "to the contrary"!

To create fake negligence, it may take additional efforts and manipulations to pre-prepare the hair, sometimes occupying more than one hour of time.
However, owners of abundant head of hair can only be envied. After all, long hair again at the peak of popularity!

As you know, all hair styles can be divided into simple and complex. The simple ones are:
- loose hair;
- ponytail;
- spit.
Loose hair
Varieties such a stacking - greata bunch of. Of course, that "simple" we will call the usual styling with a hair dryer, curling iron or ironing. Yes, the trends of 2013 are also good because fashionable hairstyles for long hair are both simple.
As already mentioned above, beautiful ladiespersistently urge to forget about accuracy! It is possible that it is washed and unclothed hair, collected carelessly in the tail, will become that very "highlight" of the coming summer!
Fashionable hairstyles for long hair this year -braids. And, in various of their hypostases: from two strands, from three, from five, seven, sixteen ... It can be "spikelets", "lema" (wide braid), "fish tail" ("spike" of two strands) . Fantasies have no limits! And, of course, do not forget to randomly release some of the strands from the already braided pigtail!

Stacking is, as you know, the final stagecreating a hairstyle. What about haircuts? Any fashionable hairstyles for long hair are based on a properly executed haircut. It is better to trust in this issue a well-proven master!
Haircuts for long hair without bangs
This type of haircut suits the owner of an oval face. The fashionable accent of the season is the ruffiness, flecks and bulk of the bangs thrown back.
Haircuts with bangs
Smooth large facial features will help hairdressers with bangs.
The oblique cut and torn bangs are popular. This element of the hairstyle also perfectly conceals too high or too low a forehead.

Haircuts for long thin hair
Such haircuts should not be based on a leveledging. Use the thinning, grading, and slicing. In other words, the more hair of different length will be in the hair, the easier it will be to give it extra volume and create the effect of dense curls.
Meet the new season beautiful!And remember that fashion hairstyles for long hair are those that go first of all to you, emphasize your beauty and personality! Do not blindly follow fashion. Spend a few hours before with a mirror, find the right style for yourself, experiment. Fashion only adds shades to your unique image. Change it radically or improve what is - it's up to you!