Today, many housewives do not know how to starchthing right. But even some 10 years ago it was impossible to imagine a strict shirtless suit with a starched collar. Modern women in their arsenal use special chemicals that help give clothing the desired rigidity. However, many people forget that starch is a natural substance that does not harm health. In addition, it can be great to save money.
Why even starch things?
Одежду, постельное белье или кружево опускают в water in which the starch was previously diluted. When the fabric dries, there is an imperceptible film on its surface that gives stiffness. Clothes look better and not wrinkled. In addition, starched things are much better washable. After all, the film does not allow dirt to soak into the fibers of the fabric.
Basic principles
Every mistress should know how to starchthings right The main thing is to be able to correctly prepare a solution that consists of only two ingredients: water and powder. There are many varieties of starch on the market. Most often, you can find powder that is extracted from potatoes, rice or corn. Starch from different products has some differences. Essential they are for cooks and cooks. But for those who do not know how to starch thing, it does not matter what powder to choose.
Before you starch a thing, it shouldwash thoroughly. Fabric softeners are undesirable. They will only repel starch. In order for the solution to soak the matter, it is worth putting a dry or slightly damp thing in it.
Mild starch
This option is suitable for light dresses, bottomunderwear and white blouses. These things should not be too hard, otherwise they will simply be uncomfortable to use. Before you starch the thing, you need to prepare a weak solution. One teaspoon of powder will be enough for a liter of water. The solution can be prepared using cold water. The powder is stirred until all the lumps disappear. Next, a small portion of the water is heated to boiling. In a bowl with a hot liquid, they begin to pour the starch solution, stirring constantly.
Medium starch
Этот способ применяют для придания жесткости men's shirts, tablecloths, furniture covers, and lace. How to starch things right? Have to use a little more powder. It will be enough two teaspoons of starch per liter of water. The method of preparation of the mixture is the same. First, the powder is diluted with cold water, and then hot liquid is added.
Hard starch
This option is most often applied to variousdecorative elements as well as petticoats for wedding dresses. For cuffs and collars, this treatment option is used least often. How to starch thing with potato starch? Additionally have to use borax. A teaspoon of this substance is diluted in a glass of hot boiled water. Two tablespoons of starch is diluted to a uniform consistency in a liter of cold water. Additionally, another liter of water is heated to boiling and poured into the starch solution. At the end of the mixture is added to the drill. All ingredients are mixed and left for two hours.
Features of the procedure with some fabrics
How to starch things from tulle?This material is often used for sewing wedding dresses and ballet tutus. The skirt will be more magnificent, if you give it rigidity. Starch material in a weak or medium solution. It all depends on the result that the hostess wants. The material is soaked in liquid for several minutes, then wring out. Petin can be stroked only in a wet state at an average temperature. We must not forget that this material melts quickly.
Popular today are summer knittedboots After each wash they also have to starch. To keep your shoes well shaped, an average starch solution will do. Boots immersed in a container of liquid for a few minutes. Next, the shoes hang shafted down.
Let's sum up the results
Крахмал придает вещам ухоженный вид.There is no need to purchase expensive new items that increase the rigidity of things. A simple task to cope powder of natural origin. Therefore, every girl should know how to starch things properly!