/ How to Starch Dress at Home

How to Starch Dress at Home

To keep the dress as long as possiblebeautiful appearance, do not get dirty and do not crumple, it must be starched. This procedure is usually subjected to things of linen and cotton, podsyubniki, lace fabrics. Let's try to figure out how to starch the dress at home.

The meaning of the procedure

Things are starch to make them moredense, hard, retained a longer form and presentable appearance. The secret of the procedure is that the starch mixture forms a thin waterproof film on the fabric, resistant to dirt and external influences. Starch can be like all the dress, and its individual elements: a collar, cuffs or a skirt. Starch film is eliminated during washing, removing at the same time all the stains. For the procedure used corn, potato and rice product.


For those who do not know how to starch the dress,it is recommended to purchase a special spray or liquid in any hardware store. Spray the starch usually the collars and cuffs of the product. For the procedure you will need an iron. Moisten the desired areas with a spray and iron them.

how to starched a dress

Starch liquid is used for volumetricthings: wedding dresses, tulle, tablecloths. The scheme of their use is simple: add liquid together with powder to the washing machine. As a result, you will get a crisp dress of beautiful shape.

Many women use the usualfood starch. Others prefer gelatin, sugar water, PVA glue. But most often at home, potato starch is used. In principle, there is no particular difference than how to starch the dress: spray, liquid or solution, manually or mechanically. The main thing is that the result suits you.

How to make a solution of starch

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • starch (any kind);
  • deep dishes, preferably enameled, since the solution must be kept on fire;
  • means for mixing.

Pour the starch into the dishes, dilute a littlethe amount of cold water and mix until a viscous creamy mixture is formed. Do not stop stirring the solution, add hot water into it. Then mix the mixture so that all the lumps are gone. A cloudy solution it is desirable to hold it for a while on the fire until the boiling point, but do not boil. At the output, its consistency should resemble a very strongly diluted jelly.

how to starch a baby dress

How to properly starch a dress: step by step guide

  • Allow the solution to cool to 30-35 degrees. In a hot mixture you can not lower the dress - it will lose shape and beauty.
  • Pure dress, without stains (otherwise theybecome even more noticeable) immerse in a container with a solution so that it evenly absorbs the whole mixture. To do this, the thing needs to be straightened, and after a while turn over.
  • Remove the dress and check for unprocessed parts. If there are none, lightly squeeze it out and hang it dry.
  • To the product does not stick to the iron, drip a bit of turpentine into the mixture, to add the same glitter fabric, add a pinch of salt.

Сушить платье лучше на вешалке, тщательно straightening all the folds and decorative elements, otherwise they will harden, and it will be difficult to return to them a normal shape. Drying is possible only at room temperature, in natural conditions and without the use of improvised means.

how to properly starched dress

How to iron

It is important not only to know how to starch a dress,but how to properly iron it after the procedure. The main rule when ironing is to do this until the thing has completely dried up. It will be easier to work, and any form can be given to him. If you do not have time, sprinkle some areas with water, and then iron them out immediately. When ironing, use gauze. Starched things can be ironed only at medium temperatures and preferably without steam.

If you are thinking about how to starchdress baby - just follow the instructions above. The rules are applicable for both children's and adult things. As a result of all the actions, the dress will become like new, will keep a long form, keep cleanliness and splendor.