When carrying out non-cash settlements betweenenterprises, firms and organizations very often there is a situation when the analysis of accounts payable and accounts receivable is necessary. Before proceeding to the description of the methods of this analysis, it is necessary to understand the very concepts that are characterized by these categories.
The receivable (RR) isany type of debt that may arise from one business entity, including individuals, in relation to other entities. Its accounting and analysis is complicated by the fact that the nature of DZ is determined by a combination of causes.
Here are some of them:
- a type of product that is the subject for which settlements between subjects of economic relations are made;
- the size of the market on which these enterprises and organizations operate;
- the level of saturation of this market with those goods for which calculations are made;
- those specific forms and methods of calculations that are used by these enterprises in the calculations.
In the current work, the control of the receivabledebt is to correctly and accurately measure its dynamics, that is, to establish how it changes during the reporting period (or other period chosen for the analysis), in tracking its structure and sources of origin, specifically to know which economic entities it is registered for , what are its monetary amounts and timing of occurrence.
At the same time, the most careful attention should be paid to such types of DZ as unjustified and overdue.
To the unjustified, the analysis of accounts payable and accounts receivable includes:
- resulting from shortages, theft or embezzlement;
- debts of UKS companies and enterprises, which are formed in violation of financial discipline;
- partners' debts for unpaid, but already delivered goods.
That debt, the maturity of which claims have already expired - is written off on the losses of the enterprise. The legislation establishes this period of 3 years.
This kind of other debt, includes several articles of commodity and non-commodity properties. These are:
- settlements between business entities on planned payments;
- debts arising from the delay in the submission of reports by persons who received funds under the report;
- arrears in payments for the use or lease of residential premises and utility debts.
In order to optimize the value of DZ, analysispayables and receivables assumes that special attention should be paid to the selection of potential consumers of the company's products and the establishment of the most advantageous conditions for this company to pay for the supplied marketable products.
As practice shows, the analysis of payables andaccounts receivable is carried out either by the continuous method or by the method of selective analysis. In each case, the choice of method depends on the size of the debt, the characteristics of the debtors and the reliability of the documents they represent.
However, the most important in the analysis are the following indicators DZ:
- absolute, which reflects the debts for which the maturity exceeded three months;
- turnover, which is calculated by the formula:O = B / DZ (cf), where: B is the revenue from products sold, net of VAT, DZ (cf) is the average value of accounts receivable, O is the turnover value.
- the period of redemption of the DZ, which is defined as the quotient of dividing the number of days in a year (the number 360 is taken) by the value of turnover (O).
As the most important indicator characterizing DZ, one should take axiomatic: the longer the delay time of DZ, the lower the probability of its repayment.
Therefore, it is important in the analysis to pay attention andsuch a parameter as short-term receivables, which is understood as the one for which payments from consumers of products are expected to arrive in the next 12 months. Here, an important area of work for each enterprise or organization is maintaining constant interaction with consumers and monitoring their financial sustainability, which should be organized on the basis of studying various, primarily independent sources of information.