/ / Analysis of the efficiency of the use of current assets and its indicators

Analysis of the efficiency of the use of current assets and its indicators

Economic efficiency of expenditureavailable at the disposal of current assets (OS) is reflected in the result that is obtained in the course of the entire activity of the company or enterprise. Its effectiveness is determined by many indicators, among which the OS occupy a leading position, and the analysis of the efficiency of the use of current assets is the most important attribute in the implementation of the enterprise management strategy. This performance is characterized by such indicator, as оборачиваемость ОС. It is understood as the time period during which 1 turnover of funds takes place, from the moment of their transformation into production stocks and ending with the moment when the finished products come out and are sold on the market. A competent analysis of the effectiveness of the use of current assets takes into account a whole system of interdependent indicators that are taken for a specific period of time - a year, six months, a day. For example, to calculate the value of the turnover of the OS in days, you can use the formula: T (0) = C-D, in which: C - remnants of the OS for some date selected for analysis, T - the volume of goods, D - the number of days.

When this value is known, it is possible to determineand the number of revolutions. To do this, we can apply the formula: K (o) = T / C, which also reflects the coefficient of turnover of the OS. It can be determined by the ratio of the profit received as a result of the sale of the goods produced by the enterprise to the balances of the OS. At the same time, their release can be manifested as absolute and relative. With the absolute release of the OS, the value of their actual residues should not exceed the value of the established norm or the value of the remnants of the previous period. With relative exemption, the analysis of the efficiency of using current assets indicates the need to accelerate the turnover and growth of the corporation at the same time. Moreover, the growth rate of production can not be lower than the level of growth rate of remnants of the OS. Preservation of such a condition and trend makes it possible to significantly save finance and at the same time increase the volume of current production.

As the analysis of the efficiency of using current assets demonstrates, in this case, the higher the turnover ratio, the more effective the company uses the OS.

As part of the management strategy, there are otherparameters of the efficiency of OS usage, for example, the duration of the revolutions of individual components of the OS. In particular, the duration of turnover of TMZ shows the time spent on converting raw materials into sold products. Analysis of the use of current assets of the enterprise involves the study of the turnover of accounts receivable, and it shows the average value of the time for receipt of payment. The turnover period in days shows the time from the date of payment of the received raw material to the date of receipt of profit from the sale on the commodity market.

In all cases, each company as a strategic objective always aims to reduce the amount of turnover and thereby increase profits.

Reducing dependence on funding sourcescontributes to the analysis of own working capital. It is also important to take into account that receivables are the most important element of the OS. The amount of assets receivable depends on the volume of products sold for loans, and the average time between the start of the sale of goods and the profit from this sale.

The economic activity of any firm orThe company is always associated with the acceleration or slowdown of the turnover process. This dynamics is determined by comparing the actual values ​​of turnover with their projected or planned parameters. Of great importance is the acceleration indicator of turnover, which is characterized by a decrease in the time of one separately considered turnover.