Marketing is an orderly systemthe planning of the volume of output, the determination of prices, as well as the product mix and its distribution in the market, the main purpose of which is the satisfaction of needs. It is the satisfaction of human needs that is the basis of marketing.
The goals of marketing can be divided into main andadditional. The main one is analytical. After all, before you produce goods, you need to study the market, its structure, consumption of this product.
Production marketing goals assumeorganization of material and technical supply, management of product competitiveness, its quality. A sales marketing goal is also identified, the essence of which is the organization of the goods movement system, the formation of demand, the sales system, and the promotion of product sales. This includes commodity and pricing policies and service organization.
Also important is the managementcomponent (objective), which consists in the correct organization of the communication system, the introduction of effective management and control principles, as well as in risk management. The management goals of marketing, above all, are designed to improve the internal infrastructure of the enterprise and include, in particular, staff development, the introduction of new technologies and the proper construction of a management system.
Analyzing the main goals of marketing, you can alsohighlight a few more of them. In particular, this is a market goal, the essence of which is the continuous search for new promising markets, as well as winning a dominant position in the already existing market.
As for the correct formation of pricepolicies, stimulating sales growth through conducting advertising campaigns, improving the quality of goods, as well as studying the needs of the population, all this is a component of the marketing goal.
But still in the first place among the goals ishighlight the successful sale of goods and services. After all, the main task - to stimulate sales, to interest the buyer in the purchase of a product in order to obtain greater profits.
It is also necessary to maximize the choiceconsumers, which is to create a wide range of products that can meet any needs. It is also necessary to maximize the degree of customer satisfaction. This means not just an increase in sales, but an increase in customer satisfaction.
In connection with the development of the World Wide Web, more and morevalue is gaining Internet marketing. The essence of it - in the implementation of major activities and strategies through the Internet. The goals of Internet marketing in many ways resemble the goals of conventional marketing, but taking into account the Internet component. In particular, this is the creation of a competent project, the promotion of goods through the network, as well as attracting and, importantly, retaining customers through prompt information on products. With the help of the Internet, you can actively support the company's image, as well as conduct the necessary surveys.
Чтобы цели маркетинга успешно были достигнуты, а their implementation has become real, they should be available in an accessible form to every employee of the company. The main task is the expression of goals in a quantitative form, so that employees clearly understand what exactly they will receive in return when the task is achieved.
Marketing goals are achieved through the creation of a positive image of the company, significant growth in profits and sales volumes, as well as the prevalence in competition.