/ / Development of marketing mixes

Development of marketing mixes

Marketing is a special kind of humanactivity, which is aimed at meeting the needs and needs that are realized through exchange. In accordance with this marketing activities are considered in the following aspects: achieving maximum consumption, maximum satisfaction from consumers, providing the largest possible choice and finally maximizing the quality of life. In the organization of the company's work, the development of a marketing complex occupies a large place. This term was first introduced by Professor Neil Borden in 1953. It is the development of all the details related to the product, that is, the development of a marketing complex. The marketing complex is a set of factors by which the firm influences the demand of its goods. The composition of the marketing mix is ​​different for different industries. There are numerous opportunities in this area that can be combined into four main groups, namely, the product, the price of the marketing mix, the methods for their distribution and incentives. A product is a set of services and products that a firm provides to the market. Each type of product implies a new, individual type of marketing mix. The price of a marketing complex is the amount that is paid to receive these goods. Its instrument is the price strategy, i.e. price, discounts, terms of payment. Methods of distribution is a complex of activities, the meaning of which is the formation of goods contact for consumers. With the help of incentive methods, the firm disseminates information about the positive qualities of its product and this encourages the consumer to purchase his goods. The complex of marketing in the European reality is most often considered in the form of the principle "four pi", i.e. a combination of the above four components. The firm promotes and advertises its goods through various special events, in other words, the company organizes the promotion of its goods, in order to increase demand and sellability. There are a lot of construction products that influence the development of a marketing mix. The definition of goods is something that can be used to meet the need and need. It is offered to the markets to buy and use. After completing the development of the marketing mix, the firm should make efforts to produce accurate accounting of marketing expenses. Marketing constantly focuses the firm's activities on the market, i.e. determines the current demand, predicts demand, selects those parts of the market for which it is necessary to concentrate the sale of the goods. Also the firm should take care of the achievement of information about the product and its positive qualities to the consumer, i.e. the company should develop such a section as advertising in the marketing mix. Thus, to increase the sales and demand of the goods. Advertising in the marketing mix can be carried out in different ways: through radio, television, newspapers and magazines, posters, brochures ... Classification of marketing can be represented in two ways, namely the type of goods and the state of the goods. When developing a product policy, it is always necessary to monitor innovative technologies, ensure the quality and competitiveness of the goods, create and optimize the product range, also create effective packaging, analyze and manage the JTTC. So in this article we have studied such sections as the development of a marketing mix, the price in a marketing mix, advertising in a marketing mix. All these aspects of marketing, especially the development of a marketing mix, need to be studied comprehensively in business undertakings, particularly in the sphere of trade and sales of goods.