The main marketing tools include analysismarket conditions, an estimation of a level of demand for a product or service, and, of course, an advertising policy of the company. It is worth noting that each of them is quite costly, so the art of a competent specialist is a rational combination of available funds and the selection of effective tools.
The difficulty in assessing the impact of a particularmethod of marketing activities to the level of sales is that it is impossible to objectively determine what exactly influenced the increase in profits, since it is impossible to calculate in quantitative terms how effective the sales management tools are. One of the most important elements of marketing activities is a thorough analysis of the market and its conjuncture. The better the enterprise understands the processes of changing the situation on the market, the easier it is for him to adjust his production to the changes that have taken place. In some cases, the company can anticipate a recession or a drop in demand and the first to take corrective actions. All this helps to take a leading position among the firms-competitors and increase the prestige of the organization.
Applied marketing tools can beare different in their composition and method of implementation, but in all cases, advertising is indispensable. It is used by absolutely all companies to a greater or lesser extent and is one of the most important ways to increase sales. The ultimate goal of an advertising company is to attract the largest number of consumers. Moreover, advertising can not only inform the novelties of production, but also talk about the enterprise itself, thereby creating its reputation, reporting on ongoing promotions and profitable offers.
Currently, there are many wayspresentation of your product or service. Internet marketing tools have become increasingly popular. Of course, it's inadvisable to refuse TV commercials or SMS-messages to interested clients, as not everyone in our country has the opportunity to use the services of the World Wide Web. In addition, not all people know how to use search engines, so they prefer to learn the necessary information from more familiar sources.
However, even now we can say that the Internet as athe marketing tool is very promising, and every day there are more and more willing to present their products in the Global Network. For example, most large companies consider it their duty to create their own website, which not only provides all information about the company and each product, but also sells. The organization of the Internet store provides additional income, sometimes very high, and involves high-quality advertising. In addition, many companies agree on cooperation and place advertisements on each other's websites. Sending information about new offers and promotions via e-mail was widely spread. So an interested user gets the opportunity to learn about favorable terms quickly, so to speak, "from the first mouth."
Marketing tools include such importantelement, as a control over the effectiveness of the application of a particular method. To estimate, what result the actions spent by marketing department have given, it is very simple. It is enough to conduct several social surveys aimed at identifying the recognizability and memorability of the product and firm. Often a social survey method is used that expresses the general opinion of the consumer group about the product, its quality and the impression of its use.
In marketing activitiesIt is important to clearly understand the goal that needs to be achieved using this or that method. And all the marketing tools used must interact with each other, function in a complex.