/ / Haircut "fish tail": weaving technique

Hairstyle "fish tail": weaving technique

Most of the beautiful halfof mankind dream of a long luxurious thick head of hair, because long hair is an indisputable sign of femininity, attractiveness and beauty. Beautiful healthy long hair serves not only as a guarantee of the well-groomed appearance of the girl wearing them, but also allows her to experiment with possible styling and to choose different images for each day and for the solemn event. And not the last place in this chain is the design of the hairstyle, called the "fish tail".

What is a fish tail?

Modeling the fish tail does not involveother than the weaving of pigtail-spike, just his technique is slightly different from traditional weaving. The unorthodox name of the described hairdo went from a certain similarity between this scythe and the outward appearance of a scaly fish with a small open tail. It is an unusual technique of bringing hair to a similar kind is the highlight of such a braid. A lot of photos with a haircut "fish tail", plowing online blogs and forums with novelties of hairdressing art, serve as a direct confirmation.

What category of girls does not fit the "fish tail"?

It should be noted that not everyA representative of the beautiful half can please herself with this kind of styling. The reason for this can serve as some factors that limit the capabilities of the master or the beauty, wondering how to weave a "fish tail" hairstyle to herself:

  • Short length of hair - there can be no question about any spit if the girl wears a haircut in the style of a bean or a square.
  • Excessively curly hair - a hairdress "fish tail" will lose its appearance, and it simply can not be recreated in all its glory on curly curls.
  • Constructions in the form of dreadlocks, tropical and otherhindrances on the hair - it is difficult to create any kind of hairstyle on a stuck together in a chaotic order a lot of strands or workpiece from already braided small braids.
    Who does not fit a fish tail?

Advantages of weaving

The "fish tail" hairstyle provides for several indisputable pluses against the background of many other hairdressing products. The main ones are the following:

  • Simplicity in modeling - any girl can easily braid such a braid herself;
  • удобство в носке – нет причин переживать и worry about the fact that a complex construction of hair will break up with time or, like curled locks, it will dissolve, or the volume will fall and the hair will deteriorate from the wind; light negligence of such a weaving, on the contrary, gives its possessor a certain charm and charm;
  • uniqueness in purpose - this style can be used in your image for everyday, everyday life and apply for a special occasion or an evening event;
  • imitation of hair volume consolidation - even braided on thin strands such braid with the help of the method of pulling out and loosening of individual curls contributes to visual volumetric hair growth.
    Volumetric fishtail

The Preliminary Stage for Modeling the Hairstyle: What You Need to Have on Hand

Before you make a "fish tail" hairstyle,need to prepare. In the arsenal of the role of a hairdresser there must be a certain set, so to speak, of tools for a comfortable and easy re-creation of the desired styling, namely:

  • Spray with water for stowing disobedient and electrified curls;
  • Massage comb for smoothing matted hair;
  • thin comb for separation of uniform braids during weaving;
  • means for fixation (foam, mousse or varnish);
  • a small elastic band for fixing the result;
  • invisibility (if necessary, or if desired, to pin a bang);
  • elements of decoration (as required).

Armed with all the elements of the stowage tools listed above, one can safely embark on modeling a hairstyle with an oblique "fish tail".

Preparation for weaving

Step by step guide of weaving fish tail

You do not need to have supernatural skills insphere of hairdresser's art or to be a guru in the technique of recreating complex laying compositions in order to be able to braid the infamous scythe. As already mentioned earlier, every woman of fashion can independently imagine such beauty on her head or make her "fishtail" hairdo. A step-by-step instruction on how to perform the technique of its weaving consists in several simple actions:

1) combing the hair along the entire length to prepare for unhindered weaving;

2) moisturizing the hair with ordinary water to remove static and more comfortable further styling;

3) the division of all the hair into two dense identical parts;

4) alternately pulling out thin uniform strands with free fingers, then from one half, then from the other, with their alternating crossing with the opposite part among themselves;

5) periodic fluffing of already braided thin strands by the method of their forging with fingers and drawing from the braid in order to create a volumetric composition;

6) fixing the work done with an elastic band, leaving the tail of the desired length;

7) fixing the braid in advance prepared laying means.

Technique of weaving fish tail

Moments to pay special attention to when modeling a hairstyle

С тем, как делать прическу "рыбий хвост", все understandably. But there are some small secrets that can simplify the process of weaving and can help you quickly and easily get the desired result, namely:

  • head before the design of the styling is better to wash - fresh clean hair becomes obedient and fits easier;
  • in advance to make an easy radical size - this will give the hairstyle expressiveness and decorate it;
  • If the spit is deliberately taut, after completionher modeling is better to walk on it with her hands, moistened with a drop of styling oil: this will allow the hair to shine and even more correspond to its name in terms of similarity with a shiny fish scaly.
    Lubricated with cosmetic oil tight fishtail

Variants of styling using the braid "fish tail"

How to use the beauty received on the head in an unconventional manner? And how else can you wear a "fish tail"?

First, such a braid can be used inmany angles: braided from the base of the head or collected on the crown of the tail, be made in tight weaving or with imitation of voluminous released strings, be placed centrally or be worn sideways - the decision remains only for the owner of this beauty on her hair.

Secondly, the number of woven tails is notit is limited: it can be two, and three pigtails at the same time, made in alternate screed or without it - in any case, this hair looks unusually and spectacular.

Thirdly, such a scythe can be weaved not onlyvertically, but also in a diagonal and zigzag plane, beginning the weaving from the back of the head or from the overhead part, leaving it in its original form or laying it around the head with a wreath. You can also use a complete collection of all the locks in a fish tourniquet or use only the occipital part of the strands, thus laying the scythe on the remaining hair below the nape of the hair.

Braid plait fish tail sideways

The list of additional decorations for completing the image in the style of "fish tail"

Despite the fact that the described hairdress itself byit looks very feminine and harmonious, you can add a few accents for even more of its transformation. So, the braid in the form of a fish tail can be decorated in several ways:

  • with the help of a woven satin ribbon;
  • by inserting into the base of the fish tail a comb with pearls, beads or the like of a different decor;
  • applying a bezel with rhinestones or a hairpin with inlay from shimmering stones;
  • using a three-dimensional flower in the lateral weave braid.
    Fish tail hair decoration

It should be noted that this spit looks very beautiful in the presence of melioration or pigmented paint of individual ringlets.

The "fish tail" hairstyle is not only a find for any modern fashionista, it is also an optimal combination of convenience in modeling, comfort in wear and beauty in aesthetic appearance.