The hairpin of "spikelets" is one of the mostpopular. Despite the simplicity of creation, it turns out very beautiful and elegant. There are different varieties of weaving that will allow you to diversify your hairstyle.
Secrets of a beautiful braid
To hairstyle "spikelets" turned neat, you need to know some of the subtleties of its weaving. Before you decide to make such a scythe, it is best to practice in its creation on a friend or a mannequin.
- If you want your braid to be elegant and neat, you need to weave in fine strings.
- If you want a large braid, then strands need to be taken larger.
- To hair was more convenient to braid, they need to be applied for styling.
- To prevent the spit from twisting, the strands should be of the same thickness.
- To ensure that during the creation of the hairstyle did not work "roosters", the locks should be carefully combed.
If you do "spikelets", given all these subtleties, it will turn out beautiful and neat.

Classic weaving
Hairstyle of "spikelets" is best to begin to masterwith a classical weaving. It's simple, but it takes some skill to ensure that the spit turns out neat. The length of the weaving depends on the length and thickness of the hair.
- Carefully combing the hair, separate the strand from a fairly wide strand in the middle on the vertex.
- Divide this string into three parts. Then place the right locks on the middle strand, then the left one.
- Continue the hairstyle of "spikelets" by adding to the right strand a new curl with the appropriate side, intertwining with an average lock.
- Then move the middle strand to the right, holding the strands individually, holding them with your hand.
- Do the same with the left side. Continue the weave until the length of the hair allows. Then you can braid the tip of the braid with the usual weaving.
Having mastered the classical technique of weaving "spikelet", you can try out other variants of its weaving.
"Spike on the contrary"
This is one of the variations of the beautiful and elegantweaving. The hair of the "spikelets" will look more original with the weave executed in the reverse order. Thanks to this direction, from the bottom upwards the braid turns out to be a three-dimensional one.
The scheme for creating such a "spikelet" is analogous to the classical version. Only under the condition that the locks are placed not over the central, but from below. Therefore, weaving braids and turns out so original.

Combination with the French scythe
Hair "spikelet" can be combined with othertechnicians of weaving braids. The technique was given its name, because among the European women, the French became the first to spin. Especially luxurious French braid looks on long hair.
It is best to start the weaving from the top of the head oras close to the base of the forehead. Independently braid yourself such a "spikelet" can be somewhat difficult. The main thing is to monitor the uniformity of the strands, only then the braid turns out beautiful and neat.
Spit diagonally
On the photo of a hairdo "spikelet" you can seedifferent options for the location of the braid. It does not need to be located vertically and start from the vertex or from the neck line. No less interesting solution is the braid on the diagonal. Make it simple enough.
- Make an oblique parting.
- Take the strand on the right side with most of the hair. This order must be divided into three parts.
- Start the weaving of a three-strand braid.
- On the third weave, add strands on the sides, which must be separated alternately from different sides.
- When you have finished weaving the braid at the neck level, turn the weave to the left.
- Continue to weave "spikelets" to the left ear.
- Then finish by weaving an ordinary three-strand braid.
In order for your "spikelet" to turn outneat and looked neat, you need to try so that the strands were the same in thickness and with the same force tighten the weave. Then your hair will turn out beautiful.

Bezel from the "spikelet"
This version of the hairstyle looks very original and romantic. And he is practical because all his hair is gathered in a braid.
- Make a circular parting: from the middle of the forehead and to the neck.
- It is necessary to determine the central point of the hairstyle with the help of equal intervals on the whole parting to the crown.
- From the middle of the forehead, we need to start weaving "spikelet". Strands should be weaved only from the outside.
- After reaching the neck line, finish the weaving with an ordinary three-strand braid.
- Then wrap this braid around the head so that the bezel turns out, and fix it with invisibility.
When you will untwist this hairdo, you will have beautiful curls that will make your image romantic and gentle.

"Fish tail"
How to weave a hairdo "spikelet" in an interestingtechnology "fish tail"? This is a rather laborious process, but the hair style is very gentle and beautiful. It is best to get this braid on straight hair.
Of two equal parts must be separated by a thinstrand and cross between each other. The obligatory condition that the weaving turns out to be the same elegant, it is necessary that the detachable locks be of one thickness and thin. On the photo of the hairpin of "spikelets", made in the "fish tail" technique, one can see how gently and romanticly this braid looks. In addition, this option can be done at a solemn event.

Hairstyle "two spikelets"
This style looks impressive and makes yourimage more fervent, interesting. To do this, you need to separate hair with a neat parting and braid two "spikelet". Next, you can leave them as two separate braids, and make one of them.
To make your hair look more festive, youyou can weave a ribbon. Get a touching and feminine image. You can complement your hair with a beautiful rim. Then this style can be chosen for a solemn event.

Features of work with hair of different lengths
Beautiful hair "spikelets" look even moreelegantly if properly matched for your hair length. You can make such a pigtail on short hair. If you have a long bang, then you can also weave it in a pigtail.
Even if you are the owner of a thick head of hair,medium length hair should be added volume. Therefore, the best way to look weave in the French style. Or you can additionally curl up to add volume.
Hairstyle "spikelets" on long hair can beis made in any technique. Especially beautiful will look a braid "fish tail". The main rule - the thinner the strands, the more accurate and delicate will weave.
The hairpin of "spikelets" is one of the most beautifulweave. The spit turns out neat, delicate and elegant. And thanks to a variety of variations of this hairstyle and hair accessories, you can make "spikelets", which is suitable for any age. Of course, in order for you to get a neat weaving, you need to practice a little to determine the optimal thickness of the strands. But you will learn how to make one of the most romantic hairstyles.