/ / Should I increase the eyelashes at sea - features of care and recommendations

Is it worth it to build eyelashes at sea - features of care and recommendations

It is very important for any girl to be loved,respected and appreciated. As we know, men look at this world a little differently. For them in the first place is not your character traits, but, of course, beauty. Yes, it was women who looked great, sang poets in their poems, a large number of songs were dedicated to them.

Is it worth to build eyelashes at sea

For the sake of beautiful women, men are ready for much.Perhaps that is why so many women can stand for hours at the mirror, constantly sit on hard diets, starve, spend money on stylists, makeup artists and other professionals.

Extension is a popular procedure in our modern world.

All these procedures are quite expensive, but itdoes not stop our lovely ladies. Just think how many manipulations you need to make with your body to look good! In order to be beautiful, you need to regularly visit the dentist, hairdresser, beautician, and all this despite the fact that at home there must be order and cleanliness, and you should not forget about official work.

In this article we will talk about eyelash extensions.Of course, it looks amazing when they are your long. But not all nature so generously presents. Many girls have to regularly increase them in the beauty salon.

is it worth to build eyelashes in front of the sea

Unfortunately, not at any time of the year.carry out this procedure is appropriate. For example, if you go on vacation, it is worth a thousand times to think, as false eyelashes on the sea can deliver a number of inconveniences. Of course, it’s great if men admire you, but let's take a closer look at all the possible pros and cons.

We increase the cilia on the sea. Advantages of this event

Should I increase the eyelashes at sea?For a start it is worth considering the positive aspects of this issue. Firstly, if you decide to expand eyelashes, you are guaranteed an excellent result for a long time. This procedure, though not cheap, but very long cilia hold.

Another advantage is that yourskin is not subject to the harmful effects of cosmetics. Just imagine how much you minimize the harm to your skin. After all, every day because of the application of cosmetics she does not breathe. Therefore, it appears on a regular rash and acne. And drawing mascara! Imagine what harm this seemingly harmless remedy does. So, regarding the question of whether it is worth building up eyelashes at sea, if you carefully monitor your health and you care, the answer is unequivocal - yes. This will shorten your time and will also be a great alternative to mascara.

Is it possible to increase eyelashes before traveling to the sea

Of course, for the girl the most important principleis what it looks like. In this sense, artificial eyelashes will give the appearance of which she dreamed. Eyes will be expressive. If you have some important meeting or a trip to an expensive establishment on vacation, you will look great.

Довольно значимым преимуществом наращивания Eyelashes is that with them you do not need to take tons of mascara, eye shadow, eyeliners. Moreover, today there is total control at airports. Therefore, it is better to take things to a minimum, and an extra suspicious package can be a point of contention.

We increase the cilia on the sea. Disadvantages of this procedure

So is it worth to build eyelashes at sea?We reviewed the positive aspects of this issue. But why then many women are so categorically against this procedure? The main disadvantage of artificial eyelashes is their inconvenience. And nowhere is this more pronounced than on the sea. First, the eyelashes will start to fall out over time, if the length of stay on vacation is quite long, then all this can start right there. Believe me, not a very impressive sight. A familiar master will not, that is, to carry out the correction in such cases is almost impossible.

Is it worth to build eyelashes at sea reviews

Так можно ли наращивать ресницы на море?Another negative point is that with such beauty it is not very convenient to swim and swim. Just imagine how uncomfortable it is to get out of the sea, despite the fact that water flows from your eyelashes, which causes constant inconvenience. Also, when a girl comes to the sea, she is much more likely to watch her face and wash, because salt does not always have a good effect on the skin. And it will be extremely inconvenient and undesirable to do with false cilia. Therefore, in this sense, such eyelashes are not the best option.

With cilia you do not dive!

В том случае, если вы любите нырять, то с cilia to realize this dream will be extremely difficult. They will strongly interfere and bother. Therefore, think several times before deciding on such a procedure.

Исходя из вышеизложенного, стоит сказать, что нет unequivocal answer to the question whether the sea should be extended eyelashes. It all depends on your feelings. Depending on this, an appropriate decision should be made.

Opinion girls about this procedure

So is it worth to build eyelashes at sea?In the reviews, women and girls share their impressions of artificial eyelashes. They write various reviews. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the above-mentioned question. Those who are faced with allergic reactions, write that it is disgusting to come to the sea with such cilia. Someone says that it is extremely difficult to scratch their eyes with them. Others, on the contrary, share enthusiastic reviews and say that they felt great.

eyelash extensions and the sea

Not only did many foreigners come up and admire the beauty of their eyes, while the girls felt incredibly charming and attractive.

Recommendations for the care of cilia. What can you do?

Now let's move on to some tips, if you do decide to expand the cilia.

The first recommendation is that if younever done a similar procedure, it is better to try to do it before traveling to the sea. First, you check if you have allergic reactions and irritation from the introduction of artificial cilia.

Before the sea, no one bothers you to re-dobuild up. But you will be absolutely sure that there will be no unpleasant moments, and this is an indisputable advantage. It is possible, during this time, you decide what you want specifically, and ask the beautician to make eyelashes. For example, you want more curvy or long.

You should also listen to another usefulAdvice - Cilia is best done not entirely black. As we know, the lower cilia fade under the scorching sun. Therefore, this point must be taken into account. To avoid a very clear dissonance. It should be painted in a slightly pale black color. Then the effect will be incredibly good.

How to care? What should not be done?

A very important condition for preserving cilia inpresentable form is careful care of them. First of all, it is best to swim in glasses, and in no case should you allow oil to get sunburn on the glue.

Of course, today the manufacturers of cilia glue have taken care of its durability and reliability. But nevertheless it is better to be safe once again.

Do not rub your eyes often.From this, you risk being left without your eyelashes as well. You should also not sit long and steam the body in the bathroom. It will also negatively affect the beauty of your cilia.

with the extended eyelashes on the sea

Swimming in the pool will not affect your beauty very well. Remember that bleach is there, and it is extremely negative for artificial eyelashes, and for the whole body.

It turns out that the extended eyelashes in a trip to the searequire quite thorough care. But in any case, it is much better than you would paint your waterproof mascara every day. Well, if a good friend did the same before the trip to the sea. Then you can listen to live recommendations and tips. But still it is worth recalling once again that this is a completely individual matter. You never know how the body will react to this or that external influence. Therefore you should not make hasty conclusions if one of your girlfriends is categorically against eyelash extensions. Moreover, the girl always wants to be the most beautiful and desirable. And these pleasant little things add self-confidence and their own irresistible.

Positive answer to an exciting question

So, to the question, is it possible to increase eyelashesbefore traveling to the sea, we received a clear positive response. Of course, any procedure has its drawbacks, but with the right approach they will be minimized. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that it is better to try to increase the cilia in advance. As we found out, we can at least understand the reaction of our organism, and if something goes wrong, then this can be immediately corrected.

With extended lashes on the sea is quite convenient, andthe most important thing is that you always feel beautiful. When attention is focused on the eyes, it's so great! As you know, the eyes - a mirror of the soul. The more attractive this part will be, the more desire local people or tourists will have to meet.

increase eyelashes to rest

Так что наращивание ресниц и море – это две quite compatible things, you should not listen to your friends who disapprove of this procedure. Draw conclusions only when you try it all on your body.

Do not save!

Many are certainly worried about another question:Where to build eyelashes to rest? If you want to really look good, in no case save on this procedure, it will not bring any benefit to you. It is better to overpay once more than to stay without eyelashes at all. The quality of the glue and the eyelashes themselves are also very important.

A small conclusion

Now you know the answer to an exciting question.But regardless of everything else, you must decide on such a procedure before the sea. It is best to contact familiar cosmetologists or those whom your friends went to. This will be some guarantee of high-quality work.