/ / Is it harmful to increase eyelashes? Description of procedure, consequences

Is it harmful to increase eyelashes? Description of procedure, consequences

As soon as the song "Brothers Grimm" appeared inaether, many did not even think what prophetic she was. This is what eyelashes you need to take off to fly? And, it turns out, you can have it. By nature, good and long eyelashes are few, and everything looks good. Someone immediately ventured to build a "newfangled thing" as soon as it appeared, and someone still doubts the benefits. Is it harmful to increase eyelashes? We suggest weighing all the pros and cons of this procedure.

Positive moments of building up

Is it harmful to build eyelashes?

- Long eyelashes do not need to be dyed, therefore, saving on mascara is essential.

- If you do not need to apply makeup, then you can sleep longer. Maybe it's not important for a certain percentage of the female population, but for the rest - a huge plus.

- Expressive look always! Best of all, selfies turn out beauties with extended eyelashes.

- The process of building does not test you at the level of the pain threshold, it does not hurt, and this is a plus.

- You can change the shape of the eyes. This is also an important factor for those people who are dissatisfied with nature.

It seems that you have decided on the main points. Great, of course, when mascara does not crumble, freedom of movement in the water ... Here you can write a lot of positive little things, but with the main we have decided.

Is it possible to increase eyelashes?

eyelashes fell out

With certain problems, eyelash extension can cause the following inconveniences:

- If you have problem lashes that arebreak, fall out, do not differ in density, it is wiser to use mascara. And even better - contact a doctor who will find the cause of the problem. But not many will take advantage of this advice. Therefore, cure the cilia at least with castor oil.

- The skin of the eyelids is constantly worn out, blushes,is shelled, and you can save yourself with an exceptionally nutritious cream? If this is your option, please note that the extended eyelashes do not like fatty creams. Will have to go to the humidifiers. This is where you think it is harmful to increase eyelashes.

- Propensity to any allergic reactions - alreadyan occasion to think about why you need it. But if you really want to, warn about this property of your body your master. Before the procedure, it will test you for compatibility with the components. If you feel discomfort - remove immediately.

- Owners of "oily" skinwill cause harm. Here the reverse process - such a skin will hurt artificial cilia. They will start falling out much earlier than you promise. All. Eyelashes fell out, which they diligently increased. Here you will think about how to save money.

- Happy lovers of sweet sleep and lovers of sleepingface in the pillow will have to choose between beauty and a shaky nervous system: or you will get enough sleep, or your "beauty" will remain a beautiful fluff on the pillowcase.

- Conjunctivitis and other unpleasant diseaseseye categorically do not endure such a procedure. Run not to the master, but to the doctor. Needless to say, such diseases are transmitted by touching dirty hands, hygiene items and working tools? Yes, no master will not risk his reputation!

- Cleansing liquid for lenses, dailytouching the eyelashes, drops for the eyes - all these procedures lead to a rapid prolapse of advanced cilia. If you use lenses, you have to sacrifice something. By the way, eyelashes do not interfere with wearing glasses!

We have also dealt with this issue, and if you are still reading this article, then the question "is it not harmful to build up eyelashes", you are no longer worried. We move on.

Where can I grow eyelashes?

It seems to be absolutely not an urgent issue.This procedure is provided by beauty salons and private individuals. In the salons, this service is more expensive, because it includes the rent of premises, and a license, and payment of technical staff, but many things. But the demand from such a master is much higher.

A private master can save money. But there is less responsibility.

Who to visit is a private matter for everyone. The main thing is that the quality of work is not affected. As a rule, girls themselves find masters. As they say, rumors sweep the earth.

Material selection

eyelash extension

How your eyelashes will look, how much theyhold on for centuries, what will be the length of the cilia, what shape the eyes will give you the master - all this must be discussed. Especially if you are on the procedure for the first time. There are such variants:

  • artificial material;
  • natural cilia;
  • beam method;
  • piece by piece;
  • mink eyelashes (naturalness);
  • sable eyelashes (brightness, gloss, thickness);
  • silk eyelashes (light, thin).

Also you can choose the color of the product. It ranges from black and brown to green and red.

In order to change the shape of the eyes, a technique of various effects is used. The specialist himself will advise what form and material should be chosen exclusively for you.

The process of eyelash extension

how to remove eyelashes

To begin with, the master will remove the make-up from his eyes, ifsuch is available. A special solution from the eyelashes is removed fat cells. Superimposed cushions with water gel for ages will protect your skin from glue that can get on it. The preparatory work is completed, followed by the process of building. As a rule, it lasts up to three hours. All, now you are a bright personality for a whole twenty days, until the next correction.


eyelash restoration

To eyelashes served you that term, which the master promises, you need to observe the rules, so to speak, of "exploitation":

  1. To wash it is necessary extremely cautiously, after all to water with eyelashes it is impossible. Especially in the first 3-4 hours after the procedure of building.
  2. I'll have to get rid of the bad habit of rubbing my eyes with my fists. You are now a doll, and dolls are not rubbing eyes.
  3. It is better not to use ink, when removing makeup, you can remove a part of the cilia.
  4. It is necessary to refrain from prolonged exposure to high humidity. Russian bath and steam room from friends will turn into enemies of eyelashes. Once or twice - and dropped eyelashes. Do you want it?

Removal of extensions

Is it possible to increase eyelashes

Beauty requires sacrifice, you can not argue with this.Even having decided on building up, not every beauty is ready to continue to do this even further. Restoring eyelashes requires both time and money. The category of women who makes this procedure "once" (for a significant celebration, for example) is far from being small. When the cilia begin to fall out and stab the eye, the nervous system begins to semaphore with all the colors, and just the hands themselves tend to tear off this stimulus themselves. This can not be done! The resin, which retains the lengthened eyelashes, will harm your own cilia. The question arises: how to remove eyelashes? If it's really all boring, and visit to the master in the near future does not shine, experts recommend the following:

  • Professional cosmetic preparation intended for removal of eyelashes - дебондер. It can be purchased by all known methods. Follow the instructions for use.
  • Any fatty chemist's oil (castor,burdock). In the article, we mentioned that fats badly affect the resin that holds the eyelashes. Apply on eyelashes, hold for 5-10 minutes, until the resin dissolves. Wash off and degrease.
  • Any nourishing cream. With cream, the same principle as with oil. All nutritional creams are made on fat basis.

The main thing, do not tear out eyelashes mechanically!

If you are capable of sacrificing yourselfbeauty and make eyelash extensions, the consequences do not bother you, then reserve time from your master and continue to be the most beautiful. Well, if you have any troubles, you can always fix them.

So, how to remove eyelashes, we have decided.

Consequences of building up

where you can grow eyelashes

The attitude to such a procedure is ambiguous andphysicians, and cosmetologists, and even the women themselves. Many doubt whether it is worth doing eyelash extensions. The consequences may not be very pleasant. All agree on one thing: a long wearing of eyelashes leads to their weakening, brittleness, loss, because the hair bulbs suffer. Not everyone will be ready for such consequences. Well, on the other hand, in order to understand if it is harmful to build up eyelashes to a particular person, we must try to increase them at least once. Well, let's take a chance?