So it was led among female half of inhabitantsEarth, that we always do something with our hair, and sometimes the changes are of a cardinal nature. Blondes become brunettes, brunettes blonde, curls straighten, and straight hair curl.

What is a bio-hair wig
Revolutionary formula formulas for the formationcurls with a similar permanent allow you to maximally keep your hair as far as possible with a curl. Traditional remedies replace analogues of protein called cystine, which is contained in human hair. It was he who replaced ammonia, which used to be an integral part of almost all the means to change the structure and color of the curls.
Unlike the traditional "chemistry", biochemicalHair can be used on dyed, weakened or thin hair. Keeps this miracle of hairdressing art for about six months, depending on the care of the hair and how quickly your hair grows. After the biosolutions you will have to change your habits a little while washing your hair and supplement the cosmetic bag with some special means.

How to make a biocoal at home
To be honest, it does not.Bioscrew for hair is carried out with special expensive ingredients and a master who will help you to find long-awaited locks must undergo special training. If you plan to do this procedure at home, then you will not be able to do it yourself or with the help of a hairdresser friend. I'll have to find a real professional, so that the bioscrew of the hair is a success.
Given the features of your curls, manufacturers of salon cosmetics produce several compounds for curling:
- for colored hair;
- for natural hair;
- for non-curable, elastic hair.
It is from choosing the right concentration and compositionmeans for bio-waving the work of the master begins over your hairdo, and correctly to determine and achieve an excellent result is possible only through special training, so once again we want to recall the importance of having special skills at your hairdresser!
Care of curls after a wave

This kind of permanent has acquired a largepopularity among film stars and singers. In our country the price for this type of service fluctuates in the range of 1000-4000 rubles, which means that every woman can fulfill her dream of a smart mane or modest curls. And let the new image bring many compliments and admiring looks.