/ / Perm hair - a step to perfection

Perm hair - a step to perfection

Каждая девушка с ровными волосами мечтает о fluffy coachmen, and who naturally curly hair, dream about the opposite. The blessing of the master of hairdresser's art found methods of combating nature (albeit temporary). Wishing to make cute curls on the head becomes more and more, but how to do it and how it will affect the hair in the future, not many know. It is worth discovering these secrets. Perm hair is one of many ways to transform yourself.

If you decide to change your style, thenCurling hair is the best option. Beautiful curls are what will make your look more feminine, your face is softer and, undoubtedly, will emphasize the natural beauty with which every girl is endowed. For those who doubt whether the curls will fit her and what exactly they should be, temporary hair perm is perfect.

Previously, perm hair belonged to the rigid methodstransfiguration, as the hair was exposed to the detrimental effects of the curling products. But progress does not stand still and by long experiments the procedure of perm began to be carried out with almost no harm to the hair.

Выделяют несколько способов химической завивки hair, in particular, is an acid and alkaline perm. The basis for the acid perm is ammonia, which, despite its unpleasant smell, is very active in the hair. The main thing that gives ammonia is a long-term effect (up to six months). But such a perm is only suitable for owners of healthy hair. As for girls with dry or damaged hair, they should stop the choice of alkaline chemical perm.

The more modern methods include chemicalCurling hair Silk wave. Silk proteins that are part of the product for a perm, not only do not harm the hair, but also actively care for them, giving a more vibrant and natural look. If you want to get a more gentle type of curling, then you should choose a biowave.

Biowave is a great option for absolutely everyonetypes of hair, as it is used more for medicinal purposes than aesthetic. Biological protein cystine actively influences the hair structure and gives it shine, and also strengthens the hair structure.

If the changes are grand, and you wantalso change the length of the hair, then a medium-sized perm should be done before cutting. So you can see the final version and, perhaps, a haircut is no longer needed.

Hair curling should be done onlya specialist. If you still decide to carry out the procedure yourself, then you must clearly follow the instructions for using the product for curling, so as not to harm the hair.

Undoubtedly, perm hair will transform you, butyou need to take into account some points on the care of curls after the procedure perm. In order not to nullify all efforts, it is worth not to wash your hair for three or four days after the procedure.

It is also necessary to purchase a specialcaring cosmetics. Shampoo, conditioner, styling products - all this should be designed specifically for curly hair, as the means for straight hair weights curls.

Also should not be a few days before and aftercurling procedures to dye hair. Since, acting with means for perm, the paint can give a completely different color, which is subsequently very difficult to fix. And besides, it is too much stress for the hair.

After washing your head, it is better not to dryhair dryer, and use other types of heat exposure. Hair should dry naturally at room temperature, it is not recommended to wrap hair in a towel so as not to damage its structure. Use large combs for combing.