Крем «Скин Актив» представляет собой A cosmetic product that can be bought without a doctor’s prescription at every pharmacy. This composition provides care for dehydrated, weakened and irritated skin. The drug perfectly copes with its tasks. Do not forget that the skin, which is regularly exposed to various influences of adverse factors, need good protection and special care. "Skin Active" - a cream with hyaluronic acid, which was created specifically for such purposes.

What is this drug
«Скин Актив» – крем с гиалуроновой кислотой, which is referred to as parapharmaceutical drugs. In fact, the drug is an additional product that, as a rule, accompanies the pharmacy. Such products include all kinds of cosmetic compositions that can have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. This list is also supplemented by various medical devices and products intended for skin care in certain areas.
When to apply
Skin Active, a cream with hyaluronic acid,is a fairly common cosmetic. The composition won its popularity due to a wide range of actions. Basically, the tool is used to eliminate some skin problems. As the reviews show, with proper use of the drug allows you to quickly get rid of the discomfort. So, Skin Active cream:
- Eliminates dehydration and dry skin.
- Fights epidermal changes that occur with age.
- Relieves flabbiness of the skin.
- Eliminates dryness of the epidermis, which was caused by local use of drugs containing hormones.
- Provides skin care in remission in the presence of allergic dermatitis.
- Suitable for the prevention of rosacea, as well as for its treatment.
- Restores epidermis after acute and chronic dermatitis.
- Eliminates dry skin that originated inexposure to weather conditions such as wind, rain, sun, and so on. Also, the drug can protect the skin from the daily effects of external factors. For example, from decorative cosmetics, working conditions and so on.
- Heals the epidermis after carrying out cosmetic procedures in the salon. The drug allows you to eliminate the consequences resulting from cleansing the face in any way.
How the drug works
Cream "Skin Active" with hyaluronic acid, reviewswhich is mostly positive, a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The drug has unique properties, among which customers note such:
- Protection. After application of the drug on the skin, a film is formed that protects the epidermis from the effects of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.
- Nutrition and hydration."Skin Active" (cream, the instruction to which is always attached) is able to saturate the skin with necessary beneficial components, as well as moisture. In addition, the composition normalizes all metabolic processes.
- Elimination of such subjective symptoms as burning and itching.
- Composition. The cream contains no alcohols, parabens, some petrochemical products, dyes, synthetic fragrances.
- Efficiency and availability.
- Light consistency. The cosmetic is very easy to apply, it is well absorbed and does not leave an unpleasant oily sheen on the skin.
Oils in composition
The composition of the cream "Skin Active" includes olive, andalso peach oil. These components are the lipid basis of a cosmetic. They are able to replace the synthetic components of the product.
It is worth noting that olive and peach oilsbeneficial effect on the condition of the skin. These components have many properties. They allow you to normalize the water balance, as well as restore the protective ability of the skin.

Cream Acids
The composition of the cosmetic "Skin Active"hyaluronic acid is included. This substance has earned popularity due to its properties. Hyaluronic acid is able to moisturize the skin. This component is capable of attracting water from the environment, and then saturate the epidermis cells with the necessary amount of moisture. Thanks to this component, the cream has a pronounced moisturizing effect.
In addition to hyaluronic, the cream contains lactic acid. This component also applies to moisturizing natural substances. Lactic acid is able to restore the level of moisture in the skin cells.
Other components of the composition
Cream "Screen Active" is composed of vitaminPP This substance stimulates the synthesis of components that are necessary for the epidermis to create a protective barrier. Such components include ceramides, cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acids.
Also included in the cosmetic is dexpanthenol (3%). This substance can soothe irritated skin, as well as restore and normalize water balance.
Skin Active Cream contains urea.Thanks to this component the product is easily absorbed. In addition, the substance allows to normalize the water-fat balance of the skin. Thanks to urea, the cream can not only moisturize, but also retain moisture, preventing it from evaporating from the surface of the epidermis.

Skin Active (cream): instruction
As with any cosmetic, the composition of "SkinActive "must be applied to previously cleaned skin. Usually the drug is used as a cream for the face. Apply it to the skin twice a day: in the evening and in the morning.
Cream "Skin Active" has long wonpopularity, and not only among women. This product is used even by representatives of the strong half of humanity. Cosmetic perfectly moisturizes the skin and allows you to cope not only with its dryness, but also with irritation. Cream "Skin Active" allows you to normalize the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, eliminate itching and burning. The popularity of this composition is also due to the relatively low cost. A tube of cream, the volume of which is 75 milliliters, can be purchased at almost any pharmacy for only 200-250 rubles.