/ / The drug "Selenium-asset". Instruction and description

The drug "Selenium-asset". Instruction and description

The drug "Selenium-asset" (the instruction contains suchinformation) contributes to the provision of permanent and optimal antioxidant protection. The activity of the tool is manifested depending on the needs of the body.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Under certain conditions, the agent may beor a source of selenium, or an independent antioxidant. With insufficient Se content from biomolecules, its release occurs. Further, the compound activates antioxidant enzymes. With the deficiency of this component in the body, the efficiency decreases, cardiovascular pathologies develop. In addition, premature aging begins, diseases of the joints occur.

Compound deficiency also provokes weakeningreproductive system of women and infertility in men. Selenium warns of poisoning with lead, mercury, cadmium, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke. Thanks to its activity, necrosis and destruction of the liver are prevented. With impaired metabolism increases the risk of allergies and asthma. The composition of "Selenium-active" also includes vitamin C. The drug is produced in tablet form.

how to take selenium asset


Recommended to preventthe appearance of oncological diseases, after and during the courses of radio and chemotherapy. The indications include hypertension, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Assigned to accelerate the process of recovery after a heart attack, stabilize the exchange of cholesterol and increase the elasticity of the vascular walls in atherosclerosis. Recommended reception for bone fractures, injuries, joint pathologies, osteochondrosis.

composition selenium asset
Effective application after operationalinterventions to prevent heavy metal accumulation and liver damage associated with it. Supplement "Selen-asset" manual recommends for male infertility, oligospermia especially, asthma, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and other pathologies in the digestive system organs.

Allergies, hepatitis andcholecystitis (in these cases, the drug helps to normalize the process of bile formation and improve liver activity). Recommended reception for people in environmentally unfriendly areas, especially contaminated with heavy metals, radiation. The tool is shown to smokers to reduce the negative effects of smoke. Supplements are prescribed for chronic fatigue and in states of overwork, chronic and acute pathologies to stabilize the immune system, as well as for lactating and pregnant women.

selenium asset instruction

How to take "Selenium-asset"? What are the contraindications?

The drug is prescribed to patients withfourteen years old once a day for a tablet. Additive drink during meals. Course duration - a month. The tool "Selenium-asset" instruction is not recommended for intolerance to the components. Appointment during lactation and during the prenatal period is carried out only by a doctor.