/ / Cream Lipobeyz: reviews, price, analogues and instructions for use

Cream "Lipobeyz": reviews, price, analogues and instructions for use

This article describes some of the properties of the cream.cosmetic line "Lipobase", as well as customer reviews and doctors about it. Here you can find information about analogues and extracts from the instructions for use.

cream lipobase reviews

Sensitive skin

The 90s of the XX century - this is the time of the revolutionarydiscoveries in the study of human skin. Numerous studies have shown that the health of the epidermis and its appearance are directly related to the quality and quantity of components used for healing, as well as the state of the protective function of the skin. When the epidermal barrier is damaged, harmful elements start to penetrate into the human body, such as:

  • various microorganisms;
  • toxins;
  • allergens.

Moisture, on the contrary, leaves the skin throughvarious damage. All of these discoveries contributed to the emergence of skin repair solutions. These solutions are based on the use of care products. Today one of such effective solutions is Lipobase cream. Customer reviews, and they are very numerous, suggest that this tool deserves the highest praise. After all, it contains:

  • physiological lipids;
  • moisturizing agents;
  • fatty acid.

lipobase cream reviews

Cosmetic line

Lipobase line provides professional medical skin care. These cosmetic products are available in the form:

  • cream;
  • emulsions;
  • ointment

Thanks to the natural ingredients included inThe composition of the medical device, Lipobase cream, which reviews in most cases are only positive, has a beneficial effect on the skin. Under its influence, it begins to recover, because Lipobase is a kind of protection from aggressive factors, various infections and allergens. The skin is healed, unfriendly elements can not penetrate into its integument. Natural ingredients of the cream (in particular oils) have a softening effect. The skin becomes smooth and supple.

lipo base cream Price

Company "Pharmtek"

This research and production enterprise was established in 2008. It is engaged in the development and promotion of drugs for the treatment and prevention of various dermatological diseases.

Sensitive skin care products,offered by this production association, successfully solve all skin problems. An example is Lipobase (cream). Reviews of people who used this tool say that today it has become an indispensable drug in the fight against various diseases. And although the price scares some buyers a little, the results speak for themselves.

Care of the skin is the main taskany cosmetic care. This is the goal pursued by the Farmtek campaign. After all, it develops, produces and gives life to new products in the field of sensitive skin care products. The modern pharmaceutical market offers its customers a range of cosmetics that keep up with the latest scientific trends.

lipobase cream instructions reviews

Release form and cost

Крем «Липобейз» выпускается в ламинатных тубах 75 ml volume. It is packed in cardboard packs with an information insert. The tool is made on a lipid basis, has a whitish consistency of medium density. The smell is pleasant and not intrusive. Lipobase (cream) is realized, the price of which ranges from 200 to 300 rubles, through a network of pharmacies without a prescription from the attending physician. But still, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary, as you may have various contraindications.

According to customers, the cream is not absorbed very quickly when applied. It contains urea, which can cause slight discomfort, manifested in the form of tingling.

Of course, the cosmetic is not socheap. It is possible that some buyers will be deterred by such a price. But the drug itself is very economical. This means that for a long time open cream "Lipobase" can be used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. Customer reviews say that even a small “pea” product, due to its thick consistency, is enough to lubricate the skin and moisturize it. After applying this cosmetic tool, even peeling will soon disappear.

reviews about farmtek lipobase face cream

Possible options and product names

This cosmetic tool can be found in several versions.

  1. Lipobase cream 75 ml.
  2. "Lipobase" dermatologist cream 75 ml.
  3. Dermatological cream Lipobase 75 ml.
  4. Lipobase cream dermatological tube 75 ml.


In this section we will see which componentsmake cream Lipobase. Internet sites are rich in approximately such praise: “Oh, face cream“ Farmtek ”“ Lipobase ”! He has a wonderful composition that copes with peeling and dryness perfectly! ”These opinions have a place to be, since the composition of a cosmetological tool is very good.

Components of the cream:

  • purified water;
  • emulsion base;
  • oils: olive, avocado, jojoba, shi, barago;
  • glycerol;
  • lactic acid;
  • ceramides;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • urea.

This cream "Pharmtech" "Lipobase" ("Lipobase") is notcontains fragrances and dyes. It is almost a natural product. Vegetable oils soften the skin. Urea and lactic acid are components for natural moisture, they attract and retain moisture.

lipobase instructions for use treatment reviews

Main indications

The skin needs intensive restoration after such medical and cosmetological procedures as:

  • cleaning;
  • the use of hormonal cream;
  • peeling, etc.

The use of cosmetics giventrademark in these cases will be very effective. When is it recommended to use Lipobase cream? Customer reviews agree that this cream is also required in the case of pronounced dry skin, with itching and peeling, with a dry type of skin, with chronic dermatitis and eczema.

After a stay in the cold, sun, in the solariumIt is highly advisable to apply Lipobase cream. Customer reviews suggest that the skin becomes dry under the influence of these factors, and the use of caring means is necessary. In addition, this drug is an excellent remedy for dehydration and weathering of the skin of the hands.

In any pharmacy, the pharmacist will recommend the patienta series of drugs Lipobase. When using these funds, the skin will become healthy, reduce the risk and possibility of recurrence of dermatological diseases. Still, despite the cost, Lipobase cream is highly demanded due to its healing properties.

lipobase body emulsion

Mode of application

Применять данное средство необходимо 2 раза в day. It is necessary to apply a small amount of cream on the affected areas and, gently massaging, rub it into the skin. The duration of use is not limited - this information is provided by the accompanying Lipobase cream application instructions. Treatment, customer reviews are taken into account in this case. Procedures are performed when skin irritation, itching or dermatitis. The effect of therapy occurs quite quickly - within a few days.

Even this remedy helps children very well.Numerous reviews of parents confirm this. In their opinion, the cream does not pinch much, so children tolerate the rubbing process well. Parents note that the effect comes very quickly. Many moms agreed on the fact that at the first manifestations of dermatitis they will immediately apply Lipobase cream on the skin of their babies in the future. According to parents, this brand can be trusted.

Precautionary measures

Individual intolerance of individualcomponents of the cream. In general, no other contraindications for the use of the entire cosmetic line have been identified. This means that Lipobase cream (reviews of people using this cream in every way confirm this fact) is not only a safe, but also a remedy. Drugs are ideal for hypersensitive skin. And this in our time, far from uncommon. Most problems with the sensitivity of the skin are quickly resolved. This is due to such a cosmetic product, as Lipobase cream (instructions, reviews, price and other information are available on many medical sites on the Internet and presented in this material).

"Lipobase" - emulsion, ointment

Cosmetology data practicallyindispensable for the skin, which does not require simple classical care, but rather medical. In this case, the drugs of this line will be very helpful. A very effective and popular means of this cosmetic line is the Lipobase body emulsion. Reviews of doctors say that this drug should be applied only to clean skin, after taking a bath or shower.

Эмульсия для тела выпускается в объеме 250 мл.It provides comprehensive skin care, combats redness and itching, and also prevents irritation and flaking. Instructions for the use of cosmetics available, written in simple and understandable language. A positive result will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

Lipobase Ointment is a remedy that alsoare popular with people with sensitive skin problems. Even applying a small amount of it gives an amazing result. The skin becomes soft and silky, supple and delicate. In addition, the protective function is restored and the dermis is saturated with physiological lipids and ceramides.

Analogs cream Lipobase

To date, substitutes for thisThere is practically no cosmetic product in this price category and with the same performance indicators, with the exception of one - Skin-Active. This drug is also produced by Pharmtek research and production company.

К настоящему времени разработаны и выведены на The market for a number of original products is Lipobase (cream), the price of which varies in the aisles of 300 rubles, and Skin-Active, about the same value. The latter is completely hypoallergenic. All components of the cream have a normalizing effect on the human skin. Physiological lipids improve the protective function of the skin. Skin Active also contains lactic acid and urea.

The effect of Skin-Active cream on the skin is as follows:

  • moisturizes and regenerates;
  • maintains the integrity of the stratum corneum;
  • protects against premature aging, etc.

Lipobase is much fatter in its consistency.Skin-Active cream, thanks to natural oils of avocado, jojoba, shea, barago, cholesterol of olive oil. Accordingly, it is more nutritious. Skin-Active provides only classic care to sensitive skin, and the cosmetic line Lipobase also has a healing effect on the skin.