/ How to increase hair growth? Reflections at the mirror.

How to increase hair growth? Reflections at the mirror.

How to increase hair growth, if there are problems with the hair?
Some believe that the growth of hairs to accelerateit is impossible, because it depends on the genetic heredity of a person, which science can not yet influence. But their growth depends on a number of factors, affecting which, you can achieve acceleration in half. On average, hairs grow in a month by a centimeter-and-a-half and an increase in growth by half - this is quite noticeable.

First you need to understand what factorsaffect growth. The first is good health. The presence of various diseases can cause slow growth. Especially strongly affects the hair overexertion of the nervous system. We must either eliminate the cause of nervousness, or change our attitude to the world around us, because the feeling of joy and positive mood affect a person more than we think.

Another factor is the lack of vitamins andminerals, for example, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and others. With a shortage of these substances, a special diet is prepared, which must be adhered to daily. Well helps the course of vitamins, which can appoint a doctor trichologist.

How to increase hair growth with massage?For their normal growth, good blood circulation is necessary. If it is disturbed, the roots will receive inadequate food and experience oxygen starvation. Violation of blood circulation leads to a chronic lack of motor activity, which is typical for modern man, bad habits and so on. Improve the blood circulation helps massage your head.

One of the variants of massage for hair growth -simple pressing. This simple and accessible massage is performed as follows. The palm of the right hand should be pressed hard against the right side of the head and start pressing on the head, making considerable efforts. At this time, the head should be pressed on the palm of your hand. Then it is just as necessary to proceed with the left side and with the forehead and occiput areas. On each side there must be up to ten pressures lasting from five to ten seconds each.

Massage on the sprouts is also gooda means of accelerating the growth of the hairline. To begin such massage is better from the central parting. Massage the skin with light movements, rubbing the skin and squeezing it for about a minute. After this, having retreated a centimeter to the side, do the same thing - and so on the entire surface of the head.

Massage for the head - the procedure is simple, does not require much time. The most important thing to observe is regularity.

How to increase hair growth with the help of the rightcare? Often the growth rate of hairs depends on what care they receive. Hair bulbs should not suffer from oxygen starvation, so that the pores of the scalp are not clogged with mud and greasy secretions, you should regularly wash your hair - as it gets dirty, as too frequent washing for hair is also harmful. The general condition is affected by chemical perm and frequent painting. Hair dryer, various ironing, tongs and other hot tools that are used for styling, also have a negative effect.

How to increase hair growth with the help of folkfunds? In folk medicine, for this purpose, various masks are used to increase hair growth twice. Mustard for hair growth is particularly effective. By causing skin to burn, mustard increases the flow of blood to the hair follicles, thereby stimulating the growth of hair. This mask has long been used not only by young girls and women, but also men beginning to go bald.

To prepare the mask you need to useOnly dry mustard powder and dilute it not with boiling water, but with warm water so that harmful essential substances do not stand out. Mustard dries hair and can cause brittleness, because for dry hair, you should add vegetable oil, kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise to a mask. If the hair is greasy, then you need to alternate the mask of pure mustard with a mask mixed with nutritious foods.

Как увеличить рост волос с помощью активаторов?Industrial activators are special serums that not only activate hair growth, but also increase their density. In addition to herbal ingredients, the activators include vitamins and modern innovative ingredients.