They say that if you break a small mirror, thenthis is a bad omen. Honestly, I myself have seen this once. Is it because he took the event too close to his heart? And what does the mirror look like? The answer is for sure given us a dream book. See yourself in the mirror, see how another person looks in the mirror. Is it good or bad? Today we will learn the answers to these questions.
Why dream about seeing yourself in a mirror in theaccording to the interpretation of the dream book Denise Lynn? The mirror is a reflection of reality, from which you step aside. From this dream book, we also find out that the question of what the mirror looks like has many answers. The fact is that the mirror as a symbol assumes many meanings. Mirrors can symbolize your consciousness, imagination, which are a reflection of your world.
Mirror can indicate both self-contemplation andadvise you - to do your inner content, turn your mental gaze inward. Psychology offers associations of mirrors with memories that are hidden in our subconscious. To understand what mirrors are dreaming about, one must take into consideration other signs accompanying sleep.
We know the significance of mirrors in fairy tales andfolklore. There they usually have a magical meaning and are associated with magic. Remember: "Light, my, mirror, tell me!"? Mirrors are a kind of door that leads into parallel worlds, other realms of reality. As a child, I could spend hours standing in front of a mirror waiting for miracles. Sometimes it seemed to me that I saw in the mirror some events, that there is something that is not in my world.
Our life is also magic, which sometimesrequires more attention and research from us. Still, what do the mirrors look like? A broken mirror to see in a dream - learn something that you have been trying to hide for a long time. But if a whole mirror has dreamed, then this marks unforeseen expenses for you. To avoid these expenses, you should eat half of the tomato. Do not eat half eaten on the street.
What do the mirrors look like if you see yourself in themin full growth? The Russian dream book treats such a dream as the upcoming wedding. Look at your face in the mirror - there will be some grand events, changes in life. If you broke a mirror in a dream, then be a victory over your opponents, out of a difficult situation you will come out with honor.
What does the mirror look like if you break it?From the point of view of the dreamer Shereminskaya, if you broke it, you will lose your innocence or the relationship will be fragile, and the marriage undesirable. According to the new family dream book, if you see in a dream that you are looking in a mirror, then some experiences, disagreements await you. But this dream book treats a broken mirror as the death of a loved one, a relative.
If a young woman breaks a mirror in her dream, then on a new family dream book this means that marriage is not very successful. The same is said about friendship - an unsuccessful one.
See the lover in the mirror? If he is emaciated, pale, then the engagement is threatened and may not take place. If it reflects happy, then there may be a distance between you. But it's not for long.
What does the mirror look like if you just see them, inquality of objects? This may be a sign of the upcoming overcoming of obstacles or clashes with deception in life. If such a dream is dreaming of a woman, then this may indicate some kind of contradiction in the family or even a divorce.
Gypsy dream book uniquely treats such dreams - this is treason! A friend will deceive you. If the mirror is broken, then you will betray yourself.
Eastern women's dream book promises you a change inlife, and they will happen soon, if in the mirror you looked in a dream. A broken mirror here warns that your hopes will not be justified - they will "break up."
These interpretations are offered by different dream books, and I analyzed, compared and practically unchanged, you passed them on. I wish that in your life only good dreams come true!