/ / How to speed up facial hair growth effectively?

How to accelerate the growth of facial hair effectively?

How to accelerate the growth of facial hair?This question often worries teen boys. They are trying to bring the moment when they can shave or grow a mustache with a beard. It should be borne in mind that the lack of facial hair at 13 or 16 years is not a reason to worry. But if a man is over 20, and his hair does not grow, then it is worth thinking about the reasons for the smooth skin on his face.

They may be associated with hormonaldisorders, lack of vitamins, medications and drugs, head and back injuries, etc. Lack of facial hair can be quite normal in men of certain nationalities. For example, the Chinese only after 30 years old begins to grow a beard. How to accelerate hair growth at home? Consider a few effective ways.

1. Castor oil.With this tool you can not only accelerate hair growth, but also to avoid baldness. How to use castor oil for these purposes? For night or day, apply clean oil on clean skin for 3 months. If you want to improve the effect several times, then add camphor to the castor oil. They both have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Have you decided to use a mixture of oils? Then apply it only on clean skin, preferably at night after a shower. The course of treatment is 6 months.

2What do you need for facial hair growth? First of all, hormones influence their presence and structure. The main one for men is testosterone. That it affects the sexual function of the stronger sex, and also accelerates hair growth. How to choose hormones? It is best to purchase them in stores that implement sports nutrition. They are sold in tablets or ampoules. It is recommended to take tablets after food for the night. It is desirable to engage in the gym or take a run, otherwise the muscles upon entering the body a large amount of testosterone will feel uncomfortable. How to accelerate the growth of facial hair if you do not want to take pills? Buy a vial of the medicine "Omnadren" or "Sustanon." One is enough for about 3 months. Inject the drug itself is not recommended, go to the hospital or clinic. To stimulate hair growth will be enough just 1 gr. Good for the selection of the drug to consult an endocrinologist, he will select the necessary drugs. If you are afraid of fakes, then contact the pharmacy for hormones. You do not need to get involved in courses of administration, as these drugs cause addiction.

3How to accelerate the growth of facial hair? Get Minoxidil Lotion. It makes any hair healthy, so it can be applied to the entire hairline. Lotion is not composed of hormones. It is colorless and odorless. Caution should be used for men with dry skin, as it contains alcohol.

4.An important condition for rapid hair growth is proper nutrition. It must be regular at the same time. The diet should include chicken eggs, cottage cheese, beef, milk, and dairy products. Hair begins to grow faster due to intake of calcium and protein. Be sure to drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

5.How to accelerate the growth of facial hair? Wash not with tap water, but with chamomile decoction. You can also use nettle, burdock, plantain. These herbs strengthen each hair and contribute to their enhanced growth. Well help to increase facial hair special masks. For example, you can use honey and milk. Mix them into a homogeneous mass, add a handful of oatmeal. Mix all ingredients again. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes on face. Rinse off after time.

Use the above methods - facial hair in the form of a mustache and beard will not be long in coming.