Recently, L'Oreal was pleased to releasea new line of cleansing masks series "Magic clay." The advertising campaign was unfolded in such a way that it was not heard of, perhaps, only by the one who does not have a TV set or access to the Internet. Yes, even in this case, advertising would have rushed to the eye from billboards to many. What kind of product is it, what are the differences within the series and what are the responses to the "Magic clay" masks from "Loreal" exist?
The use of clay for the skin
Clay for the beauty of the face is no longer used for centuries, but for thousands of years. There are several varieties of clay, and each has its own strengths.
- White (the second name is kaolin).It is aimed at stretching sebum. In fact, all other types of clay - this is kaolin, which absorbed, due to the specificity of the terrain, additional elements.
- Yellow. It has such a color thanks to the iron and potassium, which are in its composition. Suitable for fading skin, prone to fat.
- The blue one. In fact, its color is closer to gray. It speeds up metabolic processes in the skin, kills bacteria on its surface and improves complexion.
- Red. This color is attached to this clay by copper oxide. Suitable for sensitive skin. When using this kind of clay, the risk of getting irritation is minimal.
- Green is rich in minerals. Its strength is antiseptic properties, but it dries more than red and yellow.
- Black - the best in the fight against acne, clears and draws toxins.
Only here the cost of a bag of clay about 30 rubles, and the mask of L'Oreal - from 350 to 550 rubles. The question is, why pay more and what's the difference?
Advantages of the mask "Magic of clay" from "Loreal" in comparison with chemist's clay
Despite all the useful properties of clay and its availability in pharmacies, ready-made masks are more convenient. Purchasing this mask, the buyer overpays for such nuances:
- Do not waste your time cooking the mask and then wash the accessories.
- There is no risk of making a mistake with consistency, as it will always be perfect - not too liquid, not too thick.
- Pleasant aroma.
- A convenient and robust package of glass, which is a pleasure to enjoy.
- It is stored for a long time, it is not necessary to throw out unused.
Well, another plus of the mask "Magic of clay" from "Loreal" according to reviews: it's nice to try new cosmetics, and even from such beautiful commercials.
How to use the mask "Magic clay" from "Loreal"?
It's incredibly easy to use.Apply the mask to the entire face, except the area around the eyes and mouth. It is important to try not to touch the scalp and eyebrows, since then it will be very difficult to wash off the mask from them. The description indicates that it is washed off easily. But according to reviews, the mask for the face of "Magic Clay" from "Loreal" is not easy to wash off, this will take 3 minutes.
It is recommended that the manufacturer apply a mask on the skin after washing and splash it with water, without letting it dry. After 10 minutes, rinse.
Varieties and their differences
The ruler is represented by three products: kaolin clay, gassul and montmorillonite, each of which contains additional ingredients.
- Green: cleansing and matting.It is a mask of green color, a homogeneous texture. Contains three types of clay and eucalyptus extract. It is aimed at deep cleansing of the skin from sebum: with prolonged use, its production decreases. With regular application, the manufacturer promises a clean and matt skin. During application, slight tingling sensations can be felt - it works the eucalyptus extract.
- Pink: exfoliation and narrowing of the pores.In contrast to the first, it is more oily and with a non-uniform texture, since it contains a powder of apricot kernel, an extract of red algae and more glycerin. These abrasive particles add masking properties to the mask. During washing, it becomes a scrub. According to reviews of masks "Magic of clay" from "Loreal", of the three, it dries less for 10 minutes and is most easily washed off.
- Black: detox and radiance.The texture is uniform, dense. The composition of the same three clays, as in the previous ones, plus coal. Like green, it is aimed at cleansing, but softer, and thanks to the coal that enters into the composition, it also removes toxins.
Reviews of the mask "Magic of Clay" from "Loreal" inmostly positive. The main discontent only revolves around the price. Users believe that the ingredients are not so expensive to sell 50 ml of mask for 500 rubles, which is enough for a maximum of 5 applications. It is for this reason that many would not have bought it for the second time. But the stated effect is carried out, and the aesthetic pleasure of using a mask in such a package for some outshines the disadvantages of the price.
Another thread of negative reviews about the mask "Magicclay "from" Loreal "is reduced to the fact that the mask dries the skin. But this is rather an improperly chosen cosmetic. After all, any mask with clay in one way or another dries the skin. If the skin is dry, then it most likely will not work. Well, we should not forget that after applying any product from clay on your face you need to apply moisturizing cream.
According to reviews, the mask of "Loreal" "The magic of clay.Radiance and Detox works more gently. With regular use makes the skin clean, black dots do not vanish, but shrink, the complexion becomes more fresh. Pores noticeably narrow, but, as is known, they can not disappear in principle.
Most often on the web you can find reviews about the mask"Loreal. Magic clay "with eucalyptus. This gives the right to say that this is the most popular product from the line. But is he the best, judge only by the girl, depending on the type of skin and her needs. Correctly selected cosmetics can transform the face for the better, and the wrong one - vice versa.