/ / Hair color "Loreal Ekselans"

Hair color "Loreal Exelans"

Well-groomed hair is the visiting card of every woman, they give her appearance an impeccable and unique look.

loreal exeliance
Long luxurious curls rivet eyesmany men. A beautiful hairstyle is an essential attribute of a sexy woman. Hair, unfortunately, is very sensitive to a variety of environmental factors, so they often lose their appeal. If your curls become dull and brittle, and you do not have time to carefully care for them, try changing your lifestyle or simply color your hair in a different color. "Loreal Ekselans" - hair dye, which is used by women all over the world.

Products of the above brandis designed to maintain the curls in perfect condition. To improve their condition, women use a variety of tricks: gels, balms, shampoos and hair dyes.

loreal exeliance palette
The company presented for over 100 yearsis a leader in the cosmetics and perfumery market. "Loreal Ekselans" is, first of all, convenience of application, excellent coloring properties, durability, availability and reasonable price. The products of the company "Loreal" were appreciated by stylists of different countries of the world. Many beauty salons offer their visitors high-quality professional hair coloring services, however, most modern women simply do not have time to visit these institutions. As a rule, the following series of hair colors are most often used at home: "Loreal Preference", "Loreal Exelans", "Loreal Casting Cream Gloss".

"Loreal Preference" - will give your curls a brightshine and color. This series has twenty-five natural shades, which give hair a natural beauty. The kit "Loreal Preference" includes balm, gently caring for the hair, which moisturizes and nourishes them along the entire length. Thanks to this remedy, the scalp becomes more elastic and the hair is more silky. It should be noted that the balm protects the curls from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

hair dye loreal exeliance

"Loreal Exelans" is an ideal option forhair coloring. The series "Exelans" includes 29 natural shades, including golden, ashy, copper and brown. This paint prevents the cross-section and brittle hair. "Loreal Ekselans" - a palette of colors that will help change your image, create an individual style. The new image is one of the ways to show your charm, charm and attractiveness. Hair color "Loreal Ekselans" - the best option for home use.

With the help of "Casting Cream Gloss" you easilypaint over the gray hair, and your curls will become softer and will have a natural appearance. The negative influence of staining on the biostructure of the hair is minimized, since there is no ammonia in the paint. The composition of paints "Loreal" includes nutrients and bioactive substances (for example, water and fat-soluble vitamins), which have a beneficial effect on the biochemical composition and structure of the hair, have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, after staining the curls with "Loreal" paints they look more silky and soft.