/ / Bodyagi Mask. Face mask with bodyagi. Mask of peroxide and bodyagi

Mask of bodyagi. Face mask with bodyagi. Mask of peroxide and bodyagi

bodyagie mask
Smooth and clean skin of the face is undoubtedlydream of girls of any age. After all, acne, blackheads, black dots haunt many over the years, and perhaps throughout their lives. How much money goes weekly to achieve minimal beauty? For the purchase of scrubs, lotions, masks and other cosmetics? Girls, you are not tired of wasting money yet? Maybe it's time to think about the fact that a person can be put in order without spending a lot of money? You say, “No! That can't be right! ”Are you sure about that? Years of experience of the older generation suggests otherwise. And it can be easily proved. So, if you are interested in cheap and affordable means to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face, then this article will not upset you in the least.

The most affordable tool is the usual bodyaga.

What is bodyaga and what is its mechanism of action on the skin?

Bodyaga - many intestinal cavities,which a person collects throughout the summer, then thoroughly dries. It is on sale practically in all drugstores in the form of powder of greenish (gray-green) color. Bodyagi powder - an old means-assistant, without which no man could do. Currently, the powder is popular in medicine and in cosmetology. Bodyaga has strong healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is useful powder bodyaga?

  1. Causes irritation of integuments, subcutaneous capillaries and blood vessels, as a result, the blood supply to weak areas of the skin is greatly enhanced.
  2. Thanks to the release of such active substances as histamine, prostaglandin, bodyagi powder heals damaged tissues, contributes to the rapid resorption of scars and seals on the skin.
    clay and bodyguard mask
  3. All treatments using bodyagi saturateoxygenated skin and significantly increase the amount of supplemental oxygen in the skin, with the result that it becomes more elastic and elastic.

For beauty and health of the skin

The mask from bodyagi conducts deep cleaning of the face,smoothes fine lines, heals wounds, smoothes scars and heals acne in all their manifestations. Specialists working in the field of cosmetology, recommend using bodyaga exactly in the form of various masks. They argue that in this way all the basic properties of the drug will maximize the effect on the skin, relieving them of all the flaws. The mask from bodyagi, reviews confirm this, it helps to successfully deal with many problems.

Recipe # 1

Отшелушивающая маска из бодяги для кожи лица.One teaspoon of bodyagi is diluted with the same amount of water, a thick mixture of previously brewed insoluble coffee is added to this mixture. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, applied to the face and massaged in a circular motion for 3 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water and apply face cream.

bodyguard mask reviews

This mask for the face with a bodage reduces redness, removes visible pigment spots and cleanses the skin from dead particles.

Recipes number 2

The following remedy for the treatment and restoration of the skin of the face is a mask of peroxide and bodyagi.

One tea (dining room - depending on the problems)spoon diluted with hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture onto problem areas (apply better with a brush) and rinse off with cool boiled water after complete drying. Apply a face cream that is suitable for your skin type (or rub aloe juice).

The mask of peroxide and bodyagi has the strongestanti-inflammatory properties: within a few minutes, red acne will become skin-colored and will significantly decrease in size. Just like the previous one, this mixture will help you get rid of highly visible pigment spots.

Recipe # 3

face mask with body

Another equally effective way is a mask fromclay and bodyagi. Its recipe is quite simple. It is only necessary to purchase components such as clay (blue, white or green) and bodysy powder. On the question of how to make a mask from bodyaga and clay, the answer is the following. In a 1: 2 ratio, we mix powder and clay (of course, the best is green, but each has its own tastes). Gradually add water to the dry mixture until the mixture is slightly denser than the consistency of sour cream. The mask can be applied both on the affected areas of the epidermis (upper skin layer) and on the entire face. The only difference is time. In some areas, the mask should be kept until completely dry, but completely on the entire face - no more than 15 minutes (maximum - 17). After the time has elapsed, rinse with lukewarm water (mandatory) and apply face cream. After this procedure, you may feel a slight tingling, tingling - you should not worry, this bodyaga has its therapeutic effect on the skin surface.

Equally relevant among young people is the question ofDoes a mask from acne cure help? The answer is obvious: of course, yes. Naturally, right after the first time, the desired effect cannot be achieved, but your skin will rejoice after 8-10 procedures. And pimples and other facial defects will tell you goodbye. And one more thing: the face mask with bodyagi will never become obsolete.

bodyagie mask
It will always be popular, as it is considered the most effective and cheap way to achieve beauty as soon as possible.

Save my hair

Hair is also the "face" of women.Agree, it is much more pleasant to talk with a person when he is neat, clean and beautiful. And it is quite another thing to communicate with a girl who has greasy, split, brittle hair, straw. Girls, do not worry, your problem can be solved without the use of scissors. Beauty and health of hair will return a special mask from bodyaga. It includes the familiar greenish powder of bodyagi and a solution of 5% boric acid (it can be replaced with 6% hydrogen peroxide. Such a magic mask (bodyaga + hydrogen peroxide) gets the most positive reviews.

Method of preparation: in one tablespoon of gray-green powder gently, stirring constantly, pour in a solution of boric acid until a homogeneous mass, with a consistency similar to sour cream.

How to make a mask from bodyagi
WARNING: in any case, do not use the mixture inside.

For very oily hair, the mass must be heatedin a water bath (steamed) and rub in the sample (be sure to use rubber gloves). After the mixture begins to burn strongly, we count half an hour and only after that wash off the solution. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant, but after only 7 weeks you will not recognize your hair (it is recommended to make this mask once a week, the number of procedures depends on the fat content of the hair. The average number of uses is 7 times).

For brittle and splitting hair maskleave for 20 minutes, without waiting for a burning sensation, then rinse with water, and it is recommended to lubricate the tips with any children's cream. Use also once a week. The course is 5 weeks.

Oh horror, my back!

Small pimples can appear not only onface, but also on the back and shoulders. How to deal with this scourge? In solving this problem, we will be helped by the famous and unique mask of bodyaga and blue clay.

Prepare this mask is quite simple: in the pharmacy we buy the necessary items, such as bodyaga, clay.

body mask hydrogen peroxide reviews

Cooking process:four tablespoons of bodyagi take seven tablespoons of clay. Mix thoroughly and dilute with boiled water (the mixture should be quite thick). Apply a mask to the affected skin areas and wait for it to completely dry. After wash off with warm water (not necessarily boiled). Apply the cream (best of all children, it is quickly absorbed and does not contain unnecessary substances that damage the skin cells).

Данную процедуру следует делать не чаще 1 раза в 5-6 days. Do until pimples disappear. Usually the result is noticeable after the third use. But after all, each has its own skin, so the person sets the course in this case on his own.

Should I make a mask?

Summarizing, we can conclude that forappearance care is not necessarily spending large amounts of money, because available and inexpensive pharmaceuticals are great for solving many problems. The most important thing in this business is desire. The desire to become better, to be beautiful and irresistible, especially for herself. And, of course, masks with masks, but you should not forget about proper nutrition. Indeed, one of the causes of defects on the skin is the wrong diet and lifestyle in general. So, dear girls and women, make conclusions and sparkle with beauty. I wish you success in achieving your desired and cherished goal!