Many adolescents face suchproblems like black spots and acne. This happens due to the fact that the sebaceous glands, located on the face, release too much secretion, which clogs the pores and accumulates dust. With the wrong care, all this leads to inflammation and the appearance of blackheads and black spots on the skin.

If you are the owner of this type of skin, then you need to do a face cleaning. It can be done in various ways:
- Manual.
- By hardware.
- Chemical.
- Various means.
Currently, to eliminate them there isa huge amount of all kinds of funds. Mask film for cleaning pores will allow them to clean and narrow. Almost all of these tools do not bring instant results, it becomes noticeable only after a few weeks. Such masks you can cook at home. They will not yield to the quality of the salon result and will cost you materially much cheaper.
The most popular and effective at homeconditions is a pore cleansing mask made from medicinal clay. There are many ways to make it, but the easiest is to simply dilute the clay with water until you get the consistency of sour cream. It is not necessary to leave it on your face for longer than 20 minutes, it is better to wash it off with warm water. For best results, this mask should be done 3 times a week.

But there are many other recipes from clay,for example, take 5 parts of clay and mix with 1 part of honey, aloe vera and lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and apply for 30 minutes on the skin. With the help of this mask you will improve the color and get rid of pimples.
Mask film for cleaning pores of white claywhitens and cleanses the skin, and also tones it. In order to make it, you need to grate medium-sized fresh cucumber and mix with clay. On the face is to apply such a mask for 20 minutes. Of course, there are a lot of recipes for masks; they can also be made from pink, yellow, red and even black clay. It all depends on your preferences and the degree of inflammation present on the face.
Маска-пленка против черных точек, приготовленная from oatmeal, is also considered very effective. There are many recipes for making cleaners out of it, but if you don’t really like to spend much time, you can simply grind it, pour boiling water on it, cool it down a bit and apply it on the skin. After 15 minutes, you can wash it off, you need to carry out such a procedure to achieve a result at least several weeks. Still, it can be mixed with boric acid and low-fat yogurt to a creamy state and put on face for 20 minutes.

Смесь перекиси водорода и бодяги также можно use to clean the pores on the face. Such a mask film for cleaning pores will allow you to make more invisible scars and whiten your skin. Yeast can be mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mask should be only on those places where there are black dots. After 15 minutes, it should be washed off and rubbed with an ice-cube face, then be sure to apply a cream to moisturize the skin.
At home alone you can make a stunningscrub. To do this, you need to mix in the same amount of sea salt and baking soda. It is necessary to lather the face and apply this mixture on the problem areas with massaging movements. Leave for best result for 10 minutes, then rinse. This pore cleansing mask will pleasantly surprise you with the result, but it should not be performed more than once a week, otherwise you may injure your skin.