Sea buckthorn has long been known for its unique properties. It has a rich chemical composition, which makes it an indispensable product that is used both in medicine and in cosmetology.
Composition and benefits
These small bright berries contain manganese,iron, silicon, calcium, vitamins C and B, as well as a mass of additional but not less valuable substances. They have a toning effect. Even dull and wrinkled skin under the influence of sea buckthorn juice will receive a second life. Face mask from sea-buckthorn smoothes wrinkles and mobilizes all the forces of aging skin, thus giving a rejuvenating effect.
In addition, the juice from sea buckthorn provideswound healing effect. It promotes the early healing of wounds and speeds up regeneration processes. Face mask from sea-buckthorn is especially recommended for mature and dry skin. It nourishes and softens it, prevents wrinkles.
Mask of sea buckthorn for the face can be cooked both from fresh and frozen berries.
For dry and normal skin
The mask of sea-buckthorn in this case is preparedin the following way. A tablespoon of fresh juice is mixed with egg yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the face evenly for about 15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated twice a week.
For mature dry skin
To return the skin to youth, the bestuse pure sea buckthorn juice. It is moistened with a gauze napkin and applied to face. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, you can add a spoonful of sour cream.
For fading skin
This mask for a face from sea-buckthorn gives a pull-up effect. It is necessary to grind two tablespoons of berries and mix them with a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask for 10 minutes.
Vitamin mask
In this case it is better to use frozenberries. You need five tablespoons. Berries must be thawed and crushed. In the mass add a tablespoon of wheat germ and two tablespoons of oil (sunflower, olive, almond, and so on). Everything must be mixed well. The mask should be kept for at least 20 minutes.
Sea-buckthorn ice
Как и маска для лица из облепихи, лед является an excellent refreshing and tonic. It is useful for any type of skin. You will need frozen juice of fresh berries. Prepare it very simply. The berries are crushed and squeezed. The resulting juice is poured into ice molds and frozen. With these cubes, wipe your face every day. Before freezing the juice, you can dilute it with mineral water 1: 1. This wonderful tonic will cheer you up in the morning.
All sea buckthorn masks are very good for the skin.To achieve the desired result, they should be used at least once a week, and preferably two. They can also be combined, i.e. each time use a new recipe. Thus, you give your skin a maximum set of useful substances.