Summer season 2016 brought with it not only fashiontendencies of clothes, footwear and accessories, but also bright stylish ideas of female hairstyles. Ragged haircuts for medium hair can rightly be called one of the most popular in hot weather. They look effective, easy, daring and attractive, which is why, despite some difficulties in care, they are quite in demand.
The option of these hairstyles on medium length hairis universal. He combines the charm of long and short hair. And for those who do not want to take risks with the new version, you can recommend making a ragged straight or slanting bangs. It will bring into the image the desired emphasis of freedom and daring negligence and at the same time allow you to quickly return to the original version, when the thirst for change will settle.

Technique of tearing
What is the effect of uneven strands in the hair? Torn ends are performed using two leading techniques:
- Sculpting with scissors.
- Razor at right angles.
The first option requires preliminary preparation.To do this, the desired haircut is performed, the hair is milled with scissors, and then the accents with ragged locks are placed with the razor. The second technique is used more often. It provides the necessary volume in the hairstyle in combination with torn strands.
Planning a similar hairstyle, it is worth carefullychoose a master, and also stock up a whole set of styling tools and tools. It will be necessary to constantly maintain the created texture at home.
Haircuts with a torn bangs will be a compromise forthose who want to try a fashion trend and at the same time do not want to spend too much time laying. Also they can be considered as a transitional version to a more bold version of the hairstyle.

Torn square
This version of the haircut is the most popular in the context of the trend. In addition, he will approach various forms of the face, allowing strategically to arrange ragged strands, modeling proportions.
Good looking squares on the hair with highlightsor coloring. Fashionable women's hairstyles with torn strands only benefit from contrasting shades and transitions. In addition, the randomness of the layers creates lightness, and the melted glare gives a shearing of naturalness and charm.
Ragged square can be stacked in a variety of ways,changing the direction and pattern of the hairstyle. An important advantage will be this version of the haircut for fine hair without volume. Ragged strands do not make the hairstyle more difficult and much easier to install. The additional volume is reached both at roots, and in any zone of a hairstyle depending on wishes of the owner.

The Ragged Cascade
In contrast to the square, which has sharp cut edges,multilayer haircut allows you to experiment with the volume and orientation of the strands along the entire length of the hairstyle. The naturalness, lightness and lack of rigor became the defining characteristics of this style.
Ragged cascade will lift the multilayereda haircut on a whole new level, giving her the courage and audacity in the pitch. The hairstyle is suitable for all types and shapes of the face. Also it can be made on wavy hair to facilitate care for them. But it is not recommended to make a torn cascade to owners of curly and curly hair, because of difficulties with laying at home and unpredictability of the final result.
Haircut with a torn bang
All those wishing to try on a new trend in hairstyles anddoubting its adaptation to everyday life, stylists recommend starting with an intermediate version. They will be a haircut with a ragged bangs. She will emphasize the direction of the style and save time on styling.
Usually a torn bangs fit well with shortand medium length hair. It can be short, long, oblique or as part of a direct parting. Youth haircuts for girls in the new season are simply unthinkable without different versions of a tattered bang, and therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the new style.

How to choose a torn haircut for medium hair
The criteria for its selection are quite simple:
- length;
- face shape;
- the desired direction;
- texture of strands.
Good fit ragged hairstyles for those who avoidstraight lines and strict lines in haircuts. This is especially true for owners of a round, square and rectangular face. Cutting a torn box is a universal option along the length, and the cascade will allow you to experiment with the volumes.
Features of tearing
It is necessary to evaluate immediately the complexity factor inmaintaining the image. Youth haircuts for girls, made in ragged technique, require a masterful treatment with a curling iron and ironing. Otherwise, the hair will look untidy and disheveled.
Stylists recommend the constant use of styling products to achieve the desired texture. Among them are important:
- wax for drawing strands;
- Thermal protection for almost daily laying;
- varnish for fixing the result.
Plait and iron allow to straighten the strands and give them the desired orientation in the drawing hairstyle.
Features of tearing
It is important to consider that torn haircuts in mediumhair requires constant correction. Approximately every three weeks, you will have to visit the salon to return the original form to the hairstyle. Watch how the master does the styling to reproduce her small details at home.

Advantages of torn haircut
One of the important advantages of torn haircutis that for owners of thin hair without volume it will become a real salvation. With its help, the problem of heavy strands will be solved. Hair is guaranteed a healthier and more groomed look, regardless of the condition.
An experienced master will recommend a torn haircut forcut hair to remove the tips along the entire length. However, for laying, you will have to constantly use thermal protection to avoid overdried strands in the future.
Ragged haircuts on medium hair became a highlight of the spring-summer season. They look easy and effective, and also allow you to keep the optimal length option.
Disadvantages of torn haircut
But the haircut described has its drawbacks.One of them - the need for constant laying with a curling iron and ironing, which eventually leads to a deterioration in the condition of the tips. The problem is solved by means of caring means and monthly correction of the form of a hairdress. Ragged hair cuts on medium hair are the most popular, since they preserve the length and allow you to experiment with different texture variants.
The second disadvantage is the complexity of implementationsuch a hairstyle for curly and curly hair. Their texture will not allow you to achieve the desired effect, which means you have to straighten the strands daily, sacrificing the hair condition and time.

For most women, the average length of hairis universal and extremely practical. The trend of ragged haircuts allowed to make even more originality and novelty in the habitual variants of hairstyles or bean.
The trendy texture takes more time andefforts on laying, but the result is worth it. Fashionable women's hairstyles with torn strands have deserved great popularity. They brought the image of a woman to what she always aspires - lightness, freedom, insolence and stressed self-confidence. A new hairstyle will tell you better than any words about the summer mood and give an image of coquetry and romance.