/ / Learn how to find a person by photo

Learn how to find a person from a photo

how to find a person by photo

In detective films, we often see police officers search for people by photo. But is such an action available to the ordinary person? It turns out that finding a friend from a photo is possible.

Профессиональных сайтов для поиска по There are no images, but there are resources capable of carrying out an easy selection of people from a photo. For example, social. VKontakte network is designed for you to search for your friends by their personal data. However, you can try to select users from photographs. There are other ways to find a person by photo.

Let's find out together how to find a person from a photo. But first, note that you can only find the image that is available on the World Wide Web.

How to prepare photos for search

You must have a quality photo, onwhich clearly shows all the facial features, as well as other details. This photo should be scanned and saved on your PC, as well as upload the same image to some photo hosting service. Preparation is over. Now you can find a person by photo or at least try to do it.

We are looking for a friend using the service "Google-pictures"

The question of how to find a person from a photo can be answered by the search engines Google and Yandex. Let's consider the principle of their work on the basis of the Google system.

"Google-pictures" is a special search engine for images. In the search box, you can enter a title or description of a photo, use a voice search, and even add ready-made images.

search for people by photo

Consider more detailed search for finished pictures. You can add photos to Google in four different ways:

  1. Upload photos from your PC.
  2. Specify the address of the image on the computer.
  3. Upload an image to a photo hosting service, and then enter the address of the photo in the Google-Pictures search engine.
  4. Add a special to your browserapplication to help look for pictures. For example, in Google Chrome there is an application Search by image for Google. How does this program work? If you hover the mouse over any image on the Internet, a shortcut will appear to go to Google Search.

You will be presented with many imagessatisfying the search results. It remains only to choose the appropriate photos. Pay attention to the fact that "Yandex-pictures" work similarly to their fellow!

Search for people by photo on Tineye.com

Finding how to find a person through photography will helpspecial site Tineye.com. Here you can also upload the prepared image or specify its address on your favorite image hosting. This service is unable to locate your friends, but the sites on which such a photo is, will give out. Perhaps, among the search results will be social addresses. networks, where there is a page of the desired person.

You can find a person by photo

Аналогом этого сервиса является сайт Gazopa.com.The difference is that this resource helps to find copies of your picture. And Tineye.com searches for all the images that are similar to the one you provided Both services provide convenient extensions for your browser.

How to search for friends "VKontakte", using photos

You can search for people from VKontakte using the Tofinder.ru service, which also provides suitable people from the VK site. This resource works similarly to the site Tineye.com.

In order to find a person in this soc.network, you need to know his name and surname, as well as have a quality photo. If you have all this, go to “VKontakte” and use the “People” search form. Enter in the search engine social. network known data, and then sort the people found, comparing them with your existing photo.

Оказывается, найти человека «ВКонтакте» по photos can be using a special function that is available on this network! To do this, go to your page "VK", and then go to the "News" section. Here you need to select the tab "Photos". If you do not have such an item, click on the plus sign, located in front of all the other headers. Now select “Photos” in the list that appears.

find person vkontakte on photos

After all the above steps, you should have a search line with the caption "Search by photos." There are five search functions here:

1. Search by description.

Enter the name, label or description of the desired image. The search engine will display images with appropriate texts. Please note that the system can read the captions in the pictures!

2. Search using photo filters.

На «ВКонтакте» есть шесть фильтров, которые можно see by editing your photos. select the desired type of filter, and then enter the following characters into the search engine: “filter: name of the selected filter”. You can also enter text before these characters.

3. Search using geolocation.

Перейдите во вкладку «Поиск», а затем выберите button "Geolocation". Choose a place where your friend is supposed to be, and then click the "Search by records near" button. Now you need to copy the coordinates displayed in the search box and paste them into the search engine for the photo.

4. Search with the exception of unnecessary words.

Enter the description of the photo in the search line, and then insert the characters: “-exclusive word –dr”. So you can narrow down the search for people.

5. Search for similar photos.

Upload the prepared image to any ofyour albums, and then copy the latest characters from the link to the uploaded photo. You should have something like this: "photo-12345_6789". Paste this combination into the search box by typing in front of it “copy:”. Now in the search results you will see pictures similar to yours.

Use the functions described above, taking into account the data about the person that you know.

Other search methods

Let's say that a young man metlady during the holidays. Returning home, he discovers that he does not know anything about this person. He has only a photo of a stranger. The guy decides to find a girl on the photo. He can use the search methods that were highlighted above. But you can find a beautiful lady in other ways:

find a girl by photo

  1. Contact the program "Wait for me", describing all the circumstances of acquaintance with this girl.
  2. Place ads in various social services. networks and forums.
  3. You can also search for people on sites: Photodate.ru, Alipr.com, Picitup.com.

Cheating on the World Wide Web

The desire to figure out how to find a person byphotos, sometimes leads to cheat sites. Here you will be offered to find a famous person like you. To perform a search, you must upload your photo and then confirm your decision using a mobile phone.

Instead of providing the promised service from youjust withdraw money from your mobile account. Theoretically, it is possible to calculate a criminal by his IP address, but in practice, any skilled fraudster can change his IP. So do not use such resources.