/ / How to hide IP address from site administration

How to hide the IP address from the site administration

Today we will learn to mask the IP address.You can hide it using various tools. The article describes a few simple methods that do not require any special training from you. So get ready, then you'll learn how to hide an IP address.

ip address hide

Necessary information

For a start it is worth knowing what is ah-pi.The IP address is the personal number of each user on the Internet. He is appointed by the provider, which distributes the ah-pee among his clients. It is worth noting that the number is composed of well-defined numbers. They vary depending on the city, country and other similar factors. IP is always unique, that is, each user on the Internet has its own individual number. An IP address is of two kinds: dynamic and static. The first one always changes with every new connection to the Internet. The second kind is unchanged. Most common users have a dynamic IP connected. As a rule, this kind of cheaper. To find out your IP address, you can use special online services that can determine IP. There are many such sites, in most cases they are free. You can hide an IP address using several methods, which will be described later.

program hiding ip address

1st method

The Internet is full of various services thatcan do all sorts of work. For our goal (changing the IP-address), it is necessary to find anonymizing sites. They allow you to mask your IP. All that is required of you is to keep the URL of the site to which you need to go. These services are ideal for bypassing a simple security system (when users are blocked by IP). It is worth noting that the ah-pi changes only within the same browser in which the work takes place.

2nd method

This method is more complicated, since hereneed to use additional software. To search for programs in this category, as always, you need to use the Internet. I recommend using Proxy Switcher. This program has a very simple interface. But before you start, you must configure the browser. Here you need to go to the settings, select the Network - Connection option, enter the required data that the program will set. The rest of the program is very simple and straightforward. The choice is given a huge number of different ah-pi-addresses from around the world. So, you can be in Beijing or in London. The program that hides the IP-address can not change the ip in applications or other utilities.

hide ip address

additional information

The previously described methods allow onlysuperficially hide ah-pi. That is, this does not mean that you can completely “disguise yourself” in this way. You can not hide the IP-address from all and forever. In any case, you can always find out the original ah-pi. But for simple purposes, for example, to bypass the blockage from the administration, such methods are ideal.


The question of how to hide an IP address fromsite administration, is set very often. Knowledgeable people offer to use complex proxy servers, where you need to pay a certain amount. In this article, I outlined the easy and completely free methods for changing ah-pee.