/ / Trace route: from and to

Trace route: from and to

network tracing

And do you know how we get accessto information posted on the Internet? And how does the data exchange take place? Here you write the message and send it. How do you think, in what form does it go from one computer to another?

It is no secret to anyone that theelectronic information is a binary (binary) code. His interpretation at the level of electrical engineering boils down to elementary: 1 - is current, 0 - no current. Further, this code is assembled into bits, and they are added in bytes - the minimal addressable information units. On the network, these bytes are transmitted as data packets.

route trace
Data packets do not lie in the air.To store information about Internet pages use servers, and even entire server networks. Add server providers now. Sometimes, in order to open a website on your computer, you have to pass more than a dozen such servers. And, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

If you can not access your profilevKontakte, then you hardly want to know which server on the way has failed. You just close the tab and take care of something else. But the site administration will be important to know why users can not access. And then they primarily use a tool such as tracing a route to the site.

In Windows, this procedure is performed usingconsole command "tracert". To perform the trace, we need to know the web address of the site or the server. Next, in the "Start" menu, we call the command line from "Run". We enter "cmd", and already in the appeared window we type "tracert necessary_address". After some time, we will have a complete list of servers through which our information packets pass, and the time of each of them will be indicated.

If the transmission of information is slow, we canDetermine which server it is slowing down. If you use a router, then the first in the list will be its address. It should appear instantly at the beginning of the operation, if this did not happen, then the whole problem is in it. Reboot the device or connect directly, then try again.

Tracing the route will show all the problems.If a server does not respond to requests, then this will be said. Carefully look at who owns the server - the site or your ISP. If the second, it's time to call and complain, let them fix the problem. Better yet, first trace the path to the DNS and VPN servers (if used) to know for sure that the provider is out of order.

For example, this is how the tracking of google.com looks like:

site tracing

As a result, the routing of the route was successful. As you can see, the data first passes through several servers of the ISP before moving on to other people's servers.

Perhaps you heard about thisfunctions, such as network tracing. What it is? This is not the same as the route trace discussed above. This rather useful function helps to track the traffic used by the application, and provides a detailed report on the application's performance with the network. This tool will be useful for developers of applications that work with the network.