/ / We record music on the disc, using the regular tools "Windows"

We record music on the disc, using the regular tools "Windows"

Even in spite of the fact that in our time opticaldrives are quite rare, being almost completely replaced by flash drives and cloud storage, we often record music on disk, since the population still has a huge amount of home appliances that are not equipped with USB ports. In addition, with the need to record music files on the disc are often faced by the owners of old car radio.

record music to disk
Никаких сложностей при такой записи вы точно не meet. The only exception is the need for strict adherence to instructions, because otherwise it is easy to "bung" the disc. Among other things, non-observance of the elementary rules of recording will surely lead to the fact that you will receive a miracle disk that will not be read even in the drive of the computer on which the recording was made.

Most often we record music to diskthrough the regular Windows programs, since it's quite simple to do this, and you will not need to install third-party software in this case. But! All of the above applies only to the owners of the OS family "Windows", starting from Vista and older. The fact is that a similar program is included in XP, but its quality is such that it can successfully only spoil the discs, but it's not always possible to write them out qualitatively ...

Before you think about recording music ondrive, you should remember which hard drive it is located on. It is better to create a separate folder in advance and place in it all the tracks that you plan to record.

burn music to disk

But how to put them on a disk?First of all, you need to take a disk of the type you need (suppose that we record music on a CD), place it in the drive tray and wait until the system determines its type. To do this, open "My Computer" and wait until the empty disk icon appears on the site of your drive.

After you double-click it with the leftclick to open the Record Wizard dialog box. If you want to burn media that is guaranteed to be compatible with a consumer CD or DVD player, be sure to select the second item.

If you want, give your diskdigestible name: please note that most of the old household appliances are not friendly with the Cyrillic alphabet, so write the name in Latin characters. After that, the usual Explorer window will open, in the empty field of which you will have to drag or paste music files. Everything! Your music discs are almost ready!

CDs with music

After inserting files, you can do this:or click on the button at the very top of the window (with the name “Burn Disc”), or right-click on the free Explorer field and select the same item in the context menu. In the recording that opens after this window, it is necessary to set the minimum speed value, since writing a disk with music with a regular utility means condemning yourself to frustration. Click on the button “Next” and record the music on the disc. After some time, the recorded media will be pushed out of the drive. Remember that while recording something to do with the computer is still undesirable.