On the keyboard, at first glance, a lotkeys, but still their number is not enough to enter some characters. This article will discuss how to put a root mark on a keyboard using auxiliary utilities. By the way, there are plenty of ways to do this, and all of them will not be listed, you will see only a selection of the most popular and easily accessible.

Alt code
Putting the root on the keyboard is the easiest,using alt code. This method is good because it runs very quickly, and to implement it you just need to know the correct sequence of numbers. Now we will examine in detail what the alt code is, how to use it, and how to put a root sign on it.
On the keyboard, first of all, you need to hold down the ALT key, the exact location of which you can see in the image below.
Holding it, you must enter the number 251 on the digitalkeyboard on the right, not to be confused with the numbers at the top of the letters that are unlikely. After dialing the desired code, it remains only to release the ALT key and the desired root symbol will appear in the input field.

It was the first way to put a root mark on the keyboard, but not the last. Therefore, we move on.
table of symbols
Of course, the second method does not implyuse the keyboard, but it is perfect if, for example, the keyboard is broken or you constantly forget the necessary code. So, go to its essence.
В наборе стандартных утилит "Виндовс" есть "Character table", that is what we will use. First you need to open it. The easiest way to do this is to search the system. Enter in the search string "Character Table" and in the results click on the application of the same name - before you open the utility window.

Already at this stage you can see a lot of characters that are not on the keyboard. They can also be inserted into the text, but we are talking about the symbol root symbol, on the keyboard of which is also not.
To insert the desired character in the text you needfind it in the symbol table, click on it with the left mouse button (LMB) to select it, then click the "Copy" button that is located at the bottom of the window, and paste it into the desired place in the text using the CTRL + V key combination menu, which is called by pressing the right mouse button (RMB), the "Paste" item.
By the way, the program "Word" has its own symbol table, and you can also insert a root mark in the text in the text.
Now you know how to insert a square signroot on the keyboard and using the character table utility in the Windows operating system and directly in the Microsoft Word text editor itself. The above two methods perfectly replace each other. If, for example, the ALT key is broken and you cannot use a special alt code to insert the desired character, you can safely use the Symbol Table utility. If you do not want to rummage around in the table for the right character, and the keyboard is working, then it is easier to use the same alt code. In general, the choice of which way to use to put a root sign, as always, is yours.